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manufacturing, multi-family residential as well as commercial, retail and hotel uses. <br />Permitted maximum building heights for this project provide for up to 10 stories for multi- <br />family, 12 stories for corporate offices, and 13 stories for commercial hotel uses. <br />To the north of the subject property is Monarch K-12 Campus and theParadise Lane <br />Subdivision. The Boulder Valley School District annexed the 80 acre Monarch campus <br />parcel to the City of Louisville in 1996 and developed the Monarch K-8 and Monarch High <br />School facilities. Access to the Monarch K-12Campus is provided by Campus Drivethat <br />th <br />extendseast from South 88Street to adead end at the easterly property boundary of the <br />Monarch K-12 Campus. <br />To the east of the Monarch K-12 Campus is the 80 acre Paradise Lane Subdivision which <br />is unincorporated and is comprised of seven residential estate lots. The Paradise Lane <br />th <br />Subdivision is subject to the provisions of the “Southeast Boulder County, South 96 <br />Street, Dillon Road, and US 287 Area Comprehensive Plan”, also referred to as the <br />Northwest Parkway Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), approved in 1999. The City of <br />Louisville joined the City of Lafayette, the City and County of Broomfield, and Boulder <br />County in signing the IGA as a land use agreement prior to the construction of the <br />Northwest Parkway.With respect to the 80 acre parcel requested to be annexed, the <br />Northwest Parkway IGA states the parties agree that only Louisville can annex this parcel <br />and that, if and when annexed, Louisville will use best efforts to require an undeveloped <br />buffer alongthe northern side of the parcel. The following map illustrates the location of <br />the campus within the region. <br />6 <br />