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<br />City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 16,2010 <br />Page 4 of 13 <br /> <br />referred to the planning commission, and 2) the vested rights not be transferable. He <br />urged Council to pass Ordinance No. 1567. <br /> <br />Peter Stewart, 1132 Jefferson Avenue, Louisville, CO addressed careful planning and <br />development. He stated the City has a comprehensive plan, zone districts and a PUD <br />process in place. He explained waivers are sometimes necessary. Those requests for <br />waivers can be reviewed by jthe Planning Commission and the City Council. He <br />suggested the Preliminary PUD be allowed to transfer from phase to phase, which <br />would give the developers a guarantee the waivers are in place. <br /> <br />Mary Manning, 420 S. Keeler, Bartlesville, OK, representing ConocoPhillips, stated <br />vested property rights are important to ConocoPhillips, to be transparent in their <br />request for a 95' building. She voiced her concern over sending the agreement back to <br />the Planning Commission as it will elongate the process and cause the Planning <br />Commission to look for detail, which is not yet available. <br /> <br />Richard Lopez, 4450 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO representing clients who reside at 9350 <br />Paradise Lane, noted at the Planning Commission meetings, the Rob's Music Project <br />was mentioned as an example of why vested rights changes are necessary. He <br />explained vesting can be based on design and improvements to the building, but <br />requires a sufficient amount of detail. He stated Louisville is being asked for early <br />vesting without much detail. He stated there should be more detail to grant exceptions. <br />He urged Council not to support the ordinance. <br /> <br />John Leary, 1116 LaFarge Avenue, Louisville, CO addressed waivers in the PUD <br />process. He noted at the Planning Commission there was excellent and insightful <br />discussion on vesting rights. He asked all members of Council to view the Planning <br />Commission discussion before voting on Ordinance No. 1567. <br /> <br />Annie Hughes, 1405 Garfield Court, Louisville, CO noted the Planning Commission <br />members had a difficult time unclerstanding the vested rights issue. She opposed <br />granting vested rights in the preliminary process. She explained vested rights can be <br />legally challenged. She didn't view vested rights as a useful tool for the City. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br /> <br />Councilor Muckle inquired about the process for a citizen referendum to terminate a <br />vested rights agreement. City Attorney Light stated any vested rights agreement would <br />be approved by ordinance. After second reading and passage of the ordinance, a <br />referendum may be filed within :W days of the ordinance's publication date. If the <br />referendum was successful, the fate of the referred ordinance would be determined by <br />the voters. If the vested rights were taken away by initiative, the right of initiative would <br />not protect the City from the liability of impairment of vested property rights. <br /> <br />Councilor Muckle inquired whettler Council, at the preliminary approval, could choose to <br /> <br />21 <br />