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<br />III: CitY<if <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO. SINCE 1882 Resource ConservationAdvisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Wednesday, February 17th, 2010 - City Hall, 749 Main Street, Council Chambers <br /> <br />I. CALL TO ORDER: Robin called the meeting to order at 6:45pm. <br /> <br />II. ROLL CALL: Members present (in bold): Robin Cooley, Mary Ann Heaney, Annie Hughes, <br />Ryan Hughes, Andy Johnson, Arno Laesecke, Mark Persichetti, staff liaison Tom Phare, <br />City Council representative Dave Clabots. <br /> <br />III. APPROVAL OF CURRENT MEETING'S AGENDA: The agenda was approved with no <br />changes. The board indicated that they liked the format with time allotments in groupings. <br /> <br />IV. APPROVAL OF PAST MONTH'S MEETING MINUTES: The January minutes were approved <br />with the following corrections: <br />a. Page 1, VIII- LORCA should be LRCAB <br />b. X, last bullet - Sabatos should be Szabados <br />c. V III, Article 3, Section 1 - replace "strengths and weaknesses" with "talents" <br /> <br />Mary Ann mentioned that she reduced the header, font size, and expanded the margins on the <br />minute's template to reduce the amount of paper required, but that the staff reversed the <br />changes prior to distributing them. Mark suggested indicating to the staff on this month's <br />minutes that the changes should be made. <br /> <br />Board members requested that the schedule of Recorder/Facilitator be placed in each month's <br />minutes. Arno asked how to handle an absence on a date when assigned a role. If a member <br />cannot fulfill their assigned duty, it is their responsibility to arrange for a replacement. <br /> <br />V. DETERMINE MEETING LOCATIONS <br />Tom indicated that rooms in the library or one in city hall were available. It was unanimously <br />decided that the preferred location was the library. <br /> <br />VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS NOT ON THE AGENDA: None <br /> <br />VII. FINAL VOTE ON DECISION TO AMEND BYLAWS <br />Mark and Annie indicated that they had met and reviewed the city's new standardized bylaws' <br />template. It contains language addressing the majority of our revisions but there are some <br />differences. <br /> <br />Mark volunteered to take our revised bylaws and drop them into the new template. They will be <br />distributed for review and the vote to amend the bylaws was postponed until the next meeting. <br />Tom indicated that we cannot change the committee's name without city council approval, but <br />we do not need their approval most other changes. <br /> <br />Arno stated that the name change is not merely semantics. It indicates a programmatic change <br />which reflects the attitudes of a change in society. At the time the LCRB moniker was coined, <br />"sustainability" was not a common term. Mark said that both the bylaws and the name address <br />the board's practices. The duties section in the template will be where we define our <br />responsibilities. Annie said she and Mark would take a close look at that section to ensure our <br />intent is clear and then email the draft to the rest of the board. <br /> <br />Public Works Department <br />303.335.4608 (phone) <br /> <br />Cily of Louisville <br />749 Main Street <br />303.335.4550 (fax) <br /> <br />Louisville, CO 80027 <br />www./ <br />