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Asada Arms Wm road 11ia MriMs Istdeite es the MU NN. Airiae7 Giodelboe 1 �' <br /> Debereki gA the beshipr see Ale load to the Age air tam y�• <br /> in Off' Coopoobemolve nafe. lbe woe l odori]1&s Wool Mrriw mw t♦ <br /> mete and boolehrs ton Ord, Cog Oro* and tie W the soot and or*. Ala <br /> *ben lioarad noodod the v tomediate3,y tor Mood tiodtrw <br /> 1U. MUM Yq san't we duce► to LOCO mod bans a plan for thett <br /> IR. 11MLL4 The type of growth we've bid hasn't esvvioed the people hero. here's no <br /> doubt about the tot that on need to me. I's jest hiving s diffisalt <br /> tine di the C,o rebeesive Plan fron the *reel Develaps»nt. SgpoM <br /> we tall 1,MO0 people only sad that they go to Superior. Could lbw <br /> do Mot over our Caapiehoadro Alan? <br /> lam. <br /> DOORSILL Good question. lerthglens did it to hhlocrtield. Dt COG is trying to Sup. <br /> the position of being tutautedisry in this kind of a ease. <br /> JS. NOM S pooh the Co 'rr ..i the flan is not sooeptablef <br /> is. um lbw can only who rsooaealatia►ar, they don't hew the power to dictate <br /> ashy, but we'd be nest to Woe minor champs to ooup1y with their <br /> reeeneendetions. <br /> I A3. SCHOLIA 1 at rooenendetions do .you w ks now to the Citiuen Advisory C emlittst <br /> CSAIRW►>tr Attend meetings, participate. <br /> In sorry I would like to .oy the oowasrts ride will be taken seder <br /> advisement mat ra will peas on to the city administrator. <br /> MAS. YOR3131 Are new still to be a Advisory Co•rdtteel <br /> GRAIL r Definitely, a year round active thing. <br /> !a. MOW, I object to two things; we've toad the Citizen Adriaory Committs bow <br /> perfect we did this Plan and we didn't aoeopt one single reoomrrsndetion. <br /> 3soomd]y, tb r. do we rent to put our industrial errs? <br /> After some discussion it was decided to establUb.4 negotiating ool■ritt.s to oonsist <br /> os throe embers of the Planning Qommiesion, three members of the Citis.n Advisory Car.ritbse <br /> the eityplaowir and tae oar aeginoor to work out details of inoar'por.ttng the Cities. <br /> Advisory Garottes heart amen ihs Comprehessive P7ae. <br /> Adjourned lA lL <br /> L. laristts <br /> w <br />