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II, • - <br /> i : ' <br /> I <br /> A pared of land located ie the northwest one-quarter ON 3/4C) of Section <br /> 1. Township 1 South, Range 69 Vast of the 6th t.n., Meander County, Colo+ <br /> • ra+:". wore particularly doiertbod as follows $o igstnl at the rest ones. . <br /> quart*: (V t) carter of said $action 1; thence N Or 00' 12" Y, 1,991.51 <br /> last; thane 189 40' 59" 1, 1,361.27 feet to tike TRU POINT OF b201101100, <br /> thane* $ 00_ 19' 01" V. 564.00 f oct; theses 179 001 00" R, 335.00.feet; <br /> • thence $ 7$' 3i' 23" 2, 104.64 feet; thence 11 ids 22' 00" E, 631.91 feet; <br /> to a gist on the oast line of said earthiest ens-quarter ON 3/4); thence <br /> 1 00°-091 32" V, 155.44 feet; thence X 19 SO' 21" V, 311.93 feet; thence <br /> i 80° 22' 00" V, 177.62 feet; thence S 7 ° 21' 00" V, 151.46 feet; thence <br /> 1 63° 35' 00" H, 14.24 foots then. • 2V 34' 4$" Z. 160.01 fest to a <br /> . point on a curve concave to the aarthtnet and whose chord bears S 51 52' <br /> OP V, 30.30 f•st; thence southwesterly along the arc of said gurve to the <br /> loft whose radii's is 449.95 feat and whose central angle is 03 22' 02" en <br /> arc distance of 50.30 lost so • point on said curve; thence 11 29 36' 50" <br /> X. 243.95 feet; thecae 1t i1 30' 00" if, 185.06 feet; thence N°79° 00' 00" s 1, <br /> 360.00 feet; thence 1 feet;59' 31" V, 461.30 fe ; thence 1 13 00' 00" 1, <br /> 315.00 feet; thence i 46" 30' 00" 1, 100.06 feat; thence 5 14° 46. 31" 2, <br /> ' 40.02 feat to a point on a curve co,cave to the north eat whoa* chard bears <br /> S $7 01' 4$" V, 227.83 foot; thence southwesterly along the are of said <br /> cure to the right whose radius is 739.81 feet and +shoes central eagle is - <br /> ' 20 231 37" an ark distance of 270.91 feet; thence 1 00 39' 07" 1, 40.00 <br /> - feet; thaw* 2 14 36' 00" 2, 125.00 feet; thence V 45 41' 30" V, 74.87 - --_ <br /> feet to a point on a mirve carcave to the sout?nre.t, and whose chord bears <br /> $ 27' 491 16" N, 93.11 feet; thence northerly alone the art of said cove, <br /> to the left whose radio is 50.00 feet and whose central angle is 144 <br /> 30" an are dietetics of 125.68 feet to a point on said curve; thence N 09 <br /> S0' 00" V. 74.1$ feet; thence N 19° 33' 27" V, 206,12 feat to a point on <br /> a cum concave to the rest and whose chord bears $ 12 27' 06" W, 222.5$ <br /> feet; thence northerly along the art of said curve to the left whose <br /> radius is 500.00 feat and whose central angle is 2r 43' 18" an arc dis- <br /> tance of 224.46 feat to • point on a reversed curve; thence northerly <br /> along the art of said reversed cur!. to the right whose radius is 400.00 <br /> feet and whose central angle is 90' 00' 00" an arc distance of 621.32 feet <br /> to a point on a second reversed curve; thence northeasterly along the arc <br /> ' " " of said second reversed carve to t i left whose radius is 420.06 feet and <br /> t wheel coaxal eagle is 31 34' 15" 'ti arc distance of 2 41 fat; dunce <br /> • V 2coaxal 05' 00" Z. 62.11 feet; choir 1 ir 40' 34" Z, 311.27 foot to the <br /> MX POINT Of 113011107DS0, anneals:i g 11.430 acre* snore or less. <br /> 7IUDT 241X10 CLA2$ PjCATION - • iealdnr Costty - Svbsetiaa lestdsatta1 <br /> 2 0 C4►UD2C►' -011 - 6i1ty of Levlavilla as.lMsoa liar <br />