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• Special Meeting, Citimpuncil <br /> June 30, 1984, Minut1PIP <br /> Page 3 <br /> Schuler responded by saying the old plant was 5M60 when it really was <br /> 3.5 NGD and needs pre-treatment. The beds are muddy and that makes <br /> filtration use more backwash water. Leary asked if the plant can <br /> produce 3. 5MGD, why the difference in the memo's and amount, why <br /> was the problem not identified? <br /> Mark Klee, Rocky Mountain Consultant, we were given bad information, <br /> there was no metering of the system, past accounting procedure was <br /> inaccurate. The new City staff found the errors . (See Exhibit A. <br /> Letter from RMC. ) <br /> Cussen asked if backwash had to be done with treated water? Yes , we <br /> must use treated water. In the future, that will consume only 5%, <br /> we now use 20% to 25% for backwash. <br /> --- Johnson: Why did the problem surface at this time? <br /> Wurl : In late May, we believed this was due to the Contractor changing <br /> the system, thinking it was pre-treatment problem, in the 1st part of <br /> June more problems arose, and we are now at this point. I take <br /> personal responsiblity for this , and I was stunned to find 1 .75 MGD <br /> capacity, not the 3.5 MGD. Last Thursday, there was 1 Dillon gallon <br /> loss in the tank, hot weather, therefore, we had to start restrictions . <br /> This project Is costing $.Lmillon and is paid from the tap fees . it is <br /> not a bond issue. The contractor said it could not be completed by <br /> June 17 deadline and felt a more reasonable date would be June 29. <br /> He then notified us he needed a 79 day extension to October 1 . <br /> The actual tie-in date is August 15th. Some of the contractor's de- <br /> lay was also due to a change over in management. There Is a penalty <br /> clause in the agreement, $250/day. That is too low, however, it seems <br /> to be standard. <br /> B. FILTER PLANT IMPROVEMENTS - AUTHORIZE FAST TRACK 1 and 2. <br /> Kasch distributed a memo to Council (See Exhibit B) regarding the <br /> Fast Track l and 2. Susan Morris asked if next year will be have <br /> the same problem? Schuler: We will know when work is completed. <br /> Luce: Problem now; is more growth , and water is problem today. <br /> Leary: Consider the mortarium on permits and water taps . <br /> Mayor: Mortarium stands until the problem is resolved. This is to <br /> be put on Tuesday night 's council agenda . <br /> Motion by Luce to approve Fast Track 1 and Fast Track 2 , and by-pass <br /> the normal bidding process , do whatever it takes to complete the job. <br /> Seconded by Cussen. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />