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Ke�ry s�k�ed Couond to coruidex, cwto�rd af tr�{arrir� 3500.a40 aut �f U�e Crwrtr�! Fund wo ch�e <br /> 1�x�►�c of c�n sp�c� �nd+t� � moo�ey d+ �cp�di� ttae R+au�tior' Ccnter, at kanc att�er arc�. <br /> Siilc. maved thrt Ccx� �ovt O�drn�roe Nv. i 163. 5�irs IS+9�4, on �eco��d rekl�n�. u onguMlty <br /> prt�ared. S�oa�ded by Nl�yer. �ola call wss W3ce� Motior� pasaed by r b- a vae with Da�+�dson <br /> bac� abscnt <br /> �UeL1C H�RIxG�wrrROVAX. - C�i� T�L�v1s�x �A7� OR�ER <br /> Chns M�I{�, A,ts��tt to tha C:iy Adnwustta;or. patad thu Sur� How�rd iou� Coutrpl'� <br /> ;pprovs! to rodtixx thc baa�c rat� f}urn 5&.�7�manth 10 t►7.931mant�, per tbe F C C'i ordar to �it <br /> cabk oper�ti�ns in the natiorr to �oduce tl�ar rstea by T,r. Slrsron Asti-Car,�nci iw�ded out u� <br /> iuna�dnd r�te fili�►g for Cou�cil to r:vr��i�er thu would rsiK t�e basic rste from t"l 93 to S7 96 <br /> Howard opaxd d� pub[ic heuirtg calEing for �yone wishir�g to spc�k on ttw �tan. <br /> Kary �b�cucf� Sa��ps �low�rd. 434 Kimb�ic, L.on�r►�n1, Co�ondc>, scated thst thc Co�sortwm <br /> au�ed che �rrra�dod raurn The uKrc�.it wsi duC 1Q � Crtri� in ttle aq���n7tflt �CVMU�. whiCh bhC <br /> du�co+�erod pntx ifl tl�e �. It wtilt �uc .'. - 3 yearat bd`are Scripps Hawvd wiil ix abk to p�ss alon� <br /> any ir�f�tian �o tht aabscribas. <br /> Susan Gti�ths. City Attomry, a�lca+ if lWbfle�� t►� bokcd �i the dr�ft r�tc ordcf and ,f sht had <br /> found any provitio�s thst srec�d to be c.o�rocsad <br /> Kalbfle�sch had looiced u the dac�ur�t �u�d had not found any navdod corrac�ior� ocha� ihan th� <br /> thra cau� <br /> Howud ca!!od for �.nyone ets� wistung ta speMlc o� this itar�. <br /> NONE <br /> Howar� closed thc public ��ar,rrg �r�d calJod far Council quu�wns. camr�ts, or motwru. <br /> Sw�k rrr�vod ttw CounciF a�prove tF►c Cebk Tr,k�•��aon 4tact C1�dcs rcyu�nn� Scr�pps Hawud C�bk <br /> to rQdu�e ba�c setvice uc�r cabk rat� wwcr the r C C form 12�►0 ,��d ►ZOS, with the �rovtw th�t <br /> thc b�s�c �erv�ce uer rale bc S7 9b tnporid oE' S7 93, �s or►Wru,lly propascd Sc�o��dod try Laihrvp <br /> [Lo!! call was talcen Motion pasaod by a b- 0 vote �rith t?sv►dwn ba►,Y abx�t <br /> QRD[NANC� 1MQ. f 164. S�RiE.� 1'13� - Al41ENUlNG SEC.'T10N 2.4L,U50 4R TH� <br /> LOUlSV(LLE A�tUNICtPAL C()p� R�GkRD[NC hU51"�'!(l�r CLASStMlCA7'14N AND <br /> SALARY ST�tL'�`I'URE - 1ST REAU1Nl: -�E7' rt1Bt.�G H�ARlM1G t tll1714 <br /> s <br /> - --- - --. .. __ _ ._ _ . ..._.�. __ . .�, .,._.... _ . .� .... . . . _. _ _ e � s.� �.-- ---- - _.. _ .. . .. . <br />