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<br />~....,.. <br />..... <br />.... ASSESSOR <br />144D <br />..-. P.o. Box 471. 13TH AND PEARL <br />.... BOULDER. COLDRADO 80306 <br />'..' (303) 441-3530 <br />MEMBER WILLIAM S. GOODYEAR. JR. <br />INTERNATIONAL ASSOCI....TlON ASSESSOR <br />OF A,5SESS1NG OFFICERS <br /> Sept 24, 1988 <br /> Dear Sirs: <br /> The enclosed certification provides the assessed values as required by law <br /> for you to certify your tax rates to the county carrnissioners. The law has <br /> been changed to require us to mail this notification to you by Sept 25th. <br /> ~st taxing districts have a decrease in value this year due to the change <br /> in assessment rate for residential property and some appealed value <br /> reductions. <br /> This year we had to a:rcpute the tax credits for each property as required <br /> by Senate Bill 184. The credits apply to property which was adjusted in <br /> 1988 and had a higher value in 1987. County wide the tax credit is about <br /> L6 million dollars in taxes applied to 10,000 of our 115,000 properties. <br /> The amount of tax credit applicable to your district is shown on your <br /> certificatial letter. 'lb get the revenue necessary for your jurisdiction <br /> you should total your budget requirements ani add the tax credit am::>unt. <br /> Your levy should be adjusted to raise the sum of the tax credit and your <br /> budget amount. The treasurer will be deducting the credit arrount fran <br /> each eligible tax bill ani reducin; your distribution accordingly. <br />--7 Another provision in SB-184 is the autb::>rity for the assessor to put a tax <br /> estimate with the notice of valuaticn. We have provided this estimate on <br /> our NOV for four years with a high degree of success to provide taxpayers <br /> with an understanding of what the new values meant so the appeals they <br /> lodge are meaningful in value ani tax tenns. 'Ihis estimate has helped the <br /> public understan:i the ptq)erty tax process, a goal I am sure you share with <br /> us. In order to <::X:l1ply with the new requirements of SB-184 I have enclosed <br /> a resoluticn which should meet the requirements of the bill ani allow us to <br /> continue to provide this service to taxpayers so they can understand the <br /> tax inpact of new valuatials. Please sign the resolution and return it in <br /> the envelope provided. If you have any questions please call me at the <br /> office at 441-3527 or if }'CAl are meeti.D:J in the evening please call at my <br /> bane 499-9777. <br /> If our office can be of any service to }'CAl please do oot hesitate to calL <br />