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<br />BRaD <br />Meeting Summary <br />April 5, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />. There is an approximate time frame of 9 months from the point an application for power is <br />received_ <br />. Power cannot be denied where needed, although there are associated costs_ <br />. Xcel is unable to plan for power in a specific location until a formal application is submitted_ <br />. Future power needs for a City/Region are based on circuit assessment <br />. When the City of Louisville is aware of developments (growth plans) they are encouraged to <br />communicate these needs with ExceL Ultimately the developer needs to go directly to Xcel <br />with power needs_ <br />. This summer an Xcel project will alleviate the full capacity of power going to the Colorado <br />Tech CenteL <br />. Currently there are land use problems interfering with providing power in certain areas of the <br />City, as there is not an easement in place and Boulder County is yet to provide approvaL <br />The negative impact on Louisville is due to a lack of agreement with Boulder County_ <br />. Circuits are not delineated through political boundaries_ <br />. Gas is adequate and there is a great deal of capacity; any issues are related to the different <br />pressures that is necessary in particular areas <br />. Xcel will need detailed discussions so issues can be resolved and included in their growth <br />pattern_ <br />. Xcel suggests that there be a good understanding of the process for power with developers_ <br />. Time frames for power depend on easements, permits, re-building, or new structures_ <br /> <br />Xcel discussed the power cost sharing program_ In addition Xcel representatives discussed <br />transportation corridors, infrastructure, and a comprehensive plan_ Xcel is also managing the <br />system to be 30% renewable by 2020, Clean Air/Clean Jobs Act, and reducing emissions from <br />coal plants_ Xcel is the greenest investment utility at this time_ <br /> <br />Update - Planning and Building Safety Director <br /> <br />Ninety applications from 20 different states were submitted_ Of those applications six were <br />selected to continue in the application process_ Thursday, April 15, there is a reception for the <br />public at the Louisville Arts Center from 5:00 p_m_ - 6:30 p_m_ Friday, April 16, Applicants will <br />conduct presentations and attend panel interviews_ <br /> <br />Discussion of Louisville Sign Code <br /> <br />Michael Menaker presented and discussed the need for revisions to the Sign Code_ Menaker <br />believes that the current code does not efficiently serve customers_ Currently Louisville's sign <br />code is a very difficult and restrictive process_ Not allowing signage is a disservice to businesses_ <br />Menaker provided a slide show of signage (to include neon and awnings) in other neighboring <br />communities, all of which would be illegal in Louisville_ Menaker requested that the Planning <br />Commission, Planning Department, and BRaD move forward with a review of the sign code_ R <br />Muckle stated that the Louisville Revitalization Commission and the Historic Preservation <br />Commission should be included in the conversation regarding the sign code_ BRaD members <br />commented that the code needs to be consistent and fair and not to assume all parties will accept <br />signage code changes_ <br /> <br />3 <br />