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<br />Senior Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />3/16/10 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Membership. That will have to be changed. The platinum membership has <br />raised $3,300. <br /> <br />Focus Groups <br />A. Housing-Bob Pierce <br />1. Walt reported that Habitat for Humanity was looking at developing a <br />property on South Boulder Road. <br />2. Lydia Morgan is having safety issues with ice and heating & cooling <br />problems which will be costly to emend. Management has agreed to meet on the <br />1st Tuesday of each month with residents to improve communication and look for <br />solutions to these problems. <br /> <br />B. Social and Civic Engagement <br />1. Programs - Larry Brassem presented the new list of activities for <br />seniors pointing to several of his favorites. A reminder that for groups smaller <br />than 14 the van will be used, for all other groups there will be buses provided. <br />2. Sunshine-Georgiana Yoder - cards continue to be sent as <br />needed. Kathy Martin requested a card for Donna Parker, her sister just passed <br />away. <br />3. Intergenerational-Claire Floyd reported that Carol Purfurst and <br />others continue to volunteer at Fireside Elementary. <br /> <br />C. Physical and Mental Health- <br />1. Carol Purfurst reported that the Bloomin' Seniors are getting ready <br />for spring. They've planted seedlings and the tulips are coming up. A new grant <br />is being written by Terry Calvin & Katie, Georgiana has taken pictures to be <br />included in the proposal. There have been many positive remarks about the <br />garden around the Senior Center. The tap class continues. <br />2. Katie reported on the success of the fitness challenge which <br />started as an effort to introduce fitness clients to new classes. Many prizes from <br />lunch bags to yoga mats have been awarded. There are three senior soft-ball <br />teams. Games are to be played on Wednesdays. No schedule is available at <br />this time. Meals-on-wheels from several local cities are joining to deliver <br />information on nutrition, monthly meetings to be held. <br /> <br />Unfinished Business <br /> <br />A. Discussion on Resolution for Advisory Board policies and procedure <br />1. Connie read the resolution written by Bob assisted by Connie. An <br />open discussion raised many questions; Kate: 'What is the down side of being <br />under the Cities Home Rule Charter?" Connie: "We become something we are <br />not, have never been and don't want to be." Bob: "Does the City Council think <br />this is necessary?" Malcolm: "This is part of an effort by City Government to <br />standardize all City Commissions and Boards are put all relevant information in <br /> <br />PDF created with pdfFactory trial version <br />