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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 15, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />K. Simpson mentioned that the proximity of the structures decreases the amount of <br />privacy her and her husband, Nick, have on their property. <br />K. Simpson also mentioned the Smith’s have added additional rooms on the east side of <br />the second floor of 888 South Palisade Court. K. Simpson believes the addition was <br />also done without a building permit. <br />K. Simpson stated that the roof of the first floor deck has been upgraded from its original <br />construction 12 years ago. <br />Staff and Applicant Rebuttal: <br />None heard. <br />Public Present in Favor of Application: <br />Ed Miccio – 869 West Chestnut Circle <br />Miccio stated the current deck and patio add value to the property and to the <br />neighborhood. Miccio stated if the deck and patio are removed then the resale of the <br />house and value of the properties will be decreased. This should be viewed as a <br />hardship. <br />Johannes Tsiridis – 912 South Palisade Court <br />Tsiridis is concerned about the domino effect the removal of the deck will have on the <br />property values of the neighborhood. Tsiridis also stated the Smith’s do not have <br />privacy due to the location (placement) of their (Smith’s) house on their (Smith’s) <br />property. He also believes the deck on the east side of the property is the only privacy <br />they are afforded. <br />Steve Kinz – 860 West Chestnut Circle <br />Kinz stated he and his wife had considered buying the Smith’s house in 1991 but <br />believed the proximity of the house on the lot created a backyard too small for their kids. <br />Kinz stated the primary issue he sees with the property is the location of the house on <br />the property. The location does not offer many development opportunities. <br />John Kelin – 894 South Palisade Court <br />Kelin believed if the Board denied this request it would have a negative impact on the <br />neighborhood (property values). <br />Angela DiFronzo – 890 South Palisade Court <br />DiFronzo stated she did not believe the criteria for the variance was relevant to the <br />request being heard tonight. DiFronzo also stated she has lived in the area since 2004 <br />(with her husband) and has never had an issue with the Smith’s deck. <br />Staff and Applicant Rebuttal: <br />None heard. <br />Staff and Applicant Closing Comments: <br />K. Smith commented on the petition created by the Simpson’s. K. Smith stated she <br />believed some of the petitioners would not have signed if they had heard both sides of <br />the story. <br />N. Simpson stated that the petition was accurate and everyone on the petition knew <br />what they were signing. <br />Y:\CENTRAL RECORDS\PLANNING\BOA\BOA.07.15.09.doc <br /> <br />