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Wood stated that Resolution No. 54, Series 1998, is the recall of a Special Review Use and Final <br />Development Plan which was initiated by the Planning Commission at their September 8, 1998, <br />meeting. The Commission recalled the Special Review Use and Final PUD due to complaints <br />received on the record at that meeting regarding an overflowing trash dumpster as well as traffic and <br />parking complaints associated with the St. Louis parking management plan. The complaints were <br />received during a public hearing for St. Louis' request for a Special Review Use for a middle school <br />at 841 Grant Avenue. The Special Review Use and Final PUD before Council tonight is the result <br />of a City approval in 1992 for a Final PUD Development Plan and a Special Review Use for a two- <br />phase expansion of the church facility and the operation of a school. Resolution No. 11, Series 1995, <br />amended that PUD approval for the expansion of an existing child care facility at 901 Grant Avenue. <br />This amendment, as directed by Council, required that a parking management plan be put into place <br />and such plan would have to come back before Council for approval prior to issuance of a certificate <br />of occupancy for the church. That was brought back before Council as a discussion/direction item <br />and was approved. The plan designates two loading and unloading zones. One, on the west side of <br />Grant, is a ten-minute loading zone between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This <br />allows parents of preschoolers to walk their child into the building, register them, and return to their <br />vehicle. The loading/unloading zone for K-5 was designated on South Street and is a formal 'no <br />parking' zone from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The parking management plan <br />also required that the alley be designated as a 'no parking' zone. The Council also approved, as part <br />of the parking management plan, a four-way stop at the intersection of Grant and South Street. All <br />those items are in compliance with the PUD parking management plan. There is also a designated <br />area in the playground location which provides on-site parking for Sunday services. During the <br />interim between September 8, and October 13, the Department of Public Safety observed traffic <br />patterns over a two-week period during both a.m./p.m, peak drop-off and pick-up times. Problems <br />observed include unoccupied cars in 'no parking' zones, parking over the time limit, U-tums on all <br />four adjoining right-of-ways, failing to stop at stop signs, as well as other unsafe traffic movements <br />related to the loading and unloading of children. A memo from Police Chief Bruce Goodman dated <br />October 6, summarizes the problems observed and recommends changes to the parking management <br />plan. The recommended changes did not call for substantial modifications to the parking <br />management plan as much as they point to the need for education and enforcement of the plan <br />currently in place. Modifications include: maintaining the clockwise traffic flow but utilizing the full <br />length of South Street and a portion of Lincoln Avenue adjacent to the St. Louis playground as a <br />drop-off for the non-preschool children, and recommending that staff park their cars at least a block <br />away to reduce congestion. A flyer outlining traffic and safety issues was prepared by Chief <br />Goodman and handed out to the parents of St. Louis School children. He stated that Commander <br />Tom Bock is in attendance tonight to answer any questions Council might have. The Planning <br />Commission did hold a public hearing on October 13, 1998, and approved, by a vote of 6:0, <br />Resolution No. 55, Series 1998, with modifications to the previously approved Special Review Use <br />and Final PUD Development Plan for 901 Grant Avenue. Three of the conditions relate to changes <br />in the parking management plan. Conditions number four and five are related to trash and the noise <br />reduction system that the neighborhood and church have discussed. There is both a ground-mounted <br />HVAC system and a roof-mounted HVAC system which have been the focus of some discussion <br />between the neighborhood and the church. The recall of a Special Review Use can only address <br /> <br /> <br />