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<br />LIGHT, KELLY & DAWES, P.c. <br />ATIORNEYS AT LAW <br /> <br />WRITER SQUARE OFFICE TOWER <br />1512 LARIMER STREET, SUITE 300 <br />DENVER, COLORADO 80202 <br /> <br />TEL. (303) 298-1601 <br />FAX (303) 298-1627 <br />E-MAIL <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />Heather A. Balser, Deputy City Manager <br />City ofLlfisville <br /> <br />Sam Ligh~ <br />Laura Heinrich d1W <br /> <br />June 28, 2010 <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />Fair Campaign Practices Act <br /> <br />The purpose of this memo is to provide you with an overview of the Colorado Fair Campaign <br />Practices Act ("FCP A") and guidance regarding prohibited and allowable activities under the FCP A <br />in regards to state-wide and local ballot issues. <br /> <br />Attached to this memo is a copy of Colorado Revised Statutes 9 1-45-117 ("Section 117"), which <br />is the primary statute discussed in this memo. 1 We have also attached a copy of an article entitled <br />"Guidance for Colorado Governments in Complying with the Fair Campaign Practices Act," <br />written by the law firm of Sherman and Howard LLC, which may also be helpful to you. <br /> <br />I. PROHIBITED! ALLOW ABLE ACTIVITIES AND EXPENDITURES UNDER THE FCP A <br /> <br />The purpose of the FCP A is to prohibit public entities in Colorado and the employees and <br />officials thereof from spending funds to influence the outcome of campaigns for political office <br />or ballot issues. <br /> <br />The FCP A states that no covered entity shall "expend any moneys from any source, or make any <br />contributions, to urge electors to vote in favor of or against any" state-wide ballot issue or local <br />ballot issue. C.R.S. 9 1-45-117(1)(a)(I)(A) and (B)? This prohibition applies to state and local <br />ballot issues that have been submitted for the purpose of having a ballot title fixed, or that have had <br />a title fixed. Id. The prohibitions are not in effect prior to this point in time in the title setting <br />process; the titles for Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101 have been set. <br /> <br />, C.R.S. ~ 1-45-117 was amended by S.B. ]0-203, which went into effect on May 25, 20]0. S.B. 10-203 removes language that <br />had restricted the prohibition on political involvement by the state or political subdivisions to the use of public moneys so that the <br />prohibition will now apply to all moneys. This clarifies that all monies in the hands of the public entity, however received, are <br />monies subject to the FCPA restrictions. A copy of the applicable portion ofS.B. 10-203 is also attached for your review. <br />2 Based on the definitions of "contribution" under Colorado law (C.R.S. g 1-45-103 and Article XXVIII of Colo. Const.. Section <br />2(5)(a)), no funds, supplies, equipment, or "in kind" services should be used for such purpose. further, no employee should be <br />allowed (or required) to work for or against a ballot issue during working hours, or use any public facility or equipment for such <br />purpose. Even the use of the City's telephone should be avoided because it has been the subject of public scrutiny and criticism. <br />