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City's duly adopted purchasing policies; except that, no equitable adjustment shall be applied <br />to cover the cost of the Artist's required insurance policies or any deductible losses incurred <br />by the Artist under such policies. The City shall pay Artist fifty percent (50%) of the <br />Maximum Contract Amount before Artist commences the Work (°Deposit"), and shall pay <br />the remaining fifty percent (50%) within seven (7) days of the City's final acceptance of <br />the Work ("Final Payment"). Artist shall provide the City with a completed form W 9 <br />"Request for Taxpayer Identification Number" prior to the City's payment of the Deposit. <br />The foregoing amounts of compensation shall be inclusive of all costs of whatsoever <br />nature associated with the Artist's efforts, including but not limited to salaries, benefits, <br />overhead, administration, profits, expenses, outside contractor fees, and supplies and <br />materials to be integrated into the Work, including any footer, base, or concrete pad <br />needed to support the Work. The Scope of Work and payment therefor shall only be <br />changed by a properly authorized amendment to this Agreement. No City employee has <br />the authority to bind the City with regard to any payment for any Work which exceeds the <br />amount payable under the terms of this Agreement. <br />4.2 Artist shall submit bi-monthly reports to the City regarding progress made on the Work <br />during the previous two (2) weeks. Artist shall provide such additional backup <br />documentation, sketches, or photographs as may be required by the City. <br />5.0 PROJECT REPRESENTATION <br />5.1 The City designates Erica Schmitt ("City's Project Manager"), as the responsible City staff <br />to communicate with Artist during the conduct of the Work. Artist shall promptly respond <br />to any communications from Erica Schmittand such person's designees. <br />5.2 The Artist designates Rita Vali and Arabella Tattershall as its project managers and as the <br />principals in charge who shall be providing the Services under this Agreement. <br />6.0 TERM <br />6.1 The term of this Agreement shall be from the Effective Date to the date of Final Payment <br />by the City, unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section 12, below. Artist's Work under <br />this Agreement shall commence promptly following City's payment of the Deposit to Artist, <br />and Artist shall proceed with diligence and promptness so that the Work is completed in a <br />timely fashion consistent with the Scope of Work and Section 3.2. <br />6.2 Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be deemed or construed as creating any <br />multiple -fiscal year direct or indirect debt or financial obligation on the part of the City within <br />the meaning of Colorado Constitution Article X, Section 20 or any other constitutional or <br />statutory provision. All financial obligations of the City under this Agreement are subject <br />to annual budgeting and appropriation by the Louisville City Council, in its sole discretion. <br />Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in the event of non - <br />appropriation, this Agreement shall terminate effective December 31 of the then -current <br />fiscal year. <br />7.0 GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION; INSURANCE; GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY <br />7.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the <br />City, and its elected and appointed officers and its employees, from and against all liability, <br />claims, and demands, on account of any injury, loss, or damage, which arise out of or are <br />2 <br />15 <br />