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<br />Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />FEBRUARY 9, 2006 <br />Page 5 of 14 <br /> <br />Public Notice Certification: <br />Published in the Daily Camera on December 24,2005 and again on January 12, 2006. Posted in <br />City Hall, the Louisville Public Library, the Recreation Center and the Courts and Police <br />Department Building and mailed to the surrounding property owners on December 23,2005. The <br />agenda was posted on the City's web site and at City Hall, the Louisville Public Library, the <br />Recreation Center and the Courts and Police Department Building for the January meeting but <br />was continued to the February meeting. The agenda was posted on February 3,2006. <br /> <br />Conflict ofInterest and Disclosure: <br />Deborski stated that his family has a self-storage business and recused himself and left Council <br />Chambers. <br /> <br />Staff Report of Facts and Issues: <br />Johnstone provided the following summary: <br />. This is a request for a final PUD for a 78,000 SF storage facility in five buildings located <br />between Pierce and Taylor and south of Cherry in the CTC. <br />. It is also a minor subdivision plat to combine two lots and to shift a lot line with an <br />adjacent developed property to the south of the proposed project. <br />. Under the existing Industrial "I" zoning, small storage facilities and warehousing are <br />permitted uses in the CTC. <br />. A unique feature of the proposal is the condominium ownership of each unit. <br />. It is anticipated that the users would be a mix of businesses storing inventory and/or files <br />and individuals storing recreational vehicles, boats, etc. <br />. Each unit varies in size from 900 to 1400 SF. All units would have an overhead garage <br />door and may have man doors as well. Individual units would not have water, but would <br />have electricity, heat and cooling. <br />. The site would be fully secure with code access gates and iron fencing between buildings. <br />The building is proposed to be accessible to owners 24/7. <br />. The Police Department and Fire Protection District has requested key code access for <br />emergencIes. <br />. A sanitary dump station is proposed for the convenience of the R V owners. That area <br />will be monitored by surveillance cameras to ensure it is not used for illegal dumping. It <br />will be designed in compliance with Public Works requirements. <br />. The site would be maintained through a property owner's association and also controlled <br />by CC & R's. Portions of the CCRs are included in the Planning Commission packets. <br />. In the initial staff review comments, staff expressed some reservations with the proposed <br />use and ownership style as detailed below: <br />* No on-site management <br />* Absentee owners <br />* Lack of control on uses <br />* Potential for less landscape maintenance based on infrequent use and no <br />customers or visitors frequenting the property. <br />. The applicant's response to those concerns has been to cross reference maintenance <br />requirements and use restrictions from the CCRs onto the PUD. They also indicate that <br />maintenance of property values should serve as sufficient motivation to maintain site. <br />