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SSSUM 2002 10 22 <br /> <br />scooters. Motorized and electric scooters have the same speed capacity and neither is allowed on any <br />City trails, regardless if the trails is paved or gravel. There was discussion on the increased danger to <br />those riding motorized scooters. Chief Goodman explained that motorized scooters are not <br />necessarily more dangerous than skateboards, rollerblades or bicycles. He went on to state that he <br />feels motorized scooters are more a parental issue than a municipal issue. He recommended to <br />maintain the status quo and repeated that he feels this is a parental issue. He questioned whether the <br />City should then prohibit bikes, rollerblades and skateboards for safety reasons. <br /> <br />City Council agreed to maintain the same procedures currently in place for motorized scooters, and <br />reevaluate the procedures if motorized scooters become a safety issue in the future. <br /> <br />Discussion/Direction – Waste Hauling RFP <br />Julie Boyd BEGIN <br /> <br />A.Two questions. One combined debt/tax question to authorize limited general fund debt for all <br />projects, and one question to authorize a set sales tax increase or set property tax increase for <br />operation and maintenance. <br /> <br />B.Two questions. One combined debt/tax question to authorize limited general fund debt with <br />an unlimited mill levy pledge, and one question to authorize a set sales tax increase or set <br />property tax increase for operation and maintenance. <br /> <br />C.Two questions. One to authorize incurring debt for all projects, and one to authorize sales & <br />property tax increases for operation and maintenance. If one question does not pass, the <br />other cannot pass. <br /> <br />D.Three or four questions. One combined debt/tax to authorize debt for a library as well as <br />sales tax & property tax increases for repayment with either limited general fund or unlimited <br />mill levy pledge, one combined debt/tax question to authorize debt for a recreation <br />center/outdoor pool as well as sales tax & property tax increases for repayment with either <br />limited general fund or unlimited mill levy pledge, one or two tax questions to authorize sales <br />or property tax increase for operation and maintenance for all projects. <br /> <br />Council selected option C as the most appropriate ballot question option. <br /> <br />Jim Manire, James Capital Investors, presented three financing options for Council review. A <br />twenty-year bond would result in an annual tax increase of $119.63 for a $250,000 home, a twenty- <br />five year bond would result in a $105.10 annual tax increase, and a thirty-year bond would result in <br />an annual tax increase of $96.45. These numbers were based on the assumption that a one-cent sales <br />tax increase would generate $2.7 million annually and an assessed value in Louisville of $370 million. <br /> <br />Council expressed concern that the bond is paid off by the time the facility needs refurbishing. It was <br />suggested that the City should establish a line item for deferred maintenance and refurbishing of City <br />facilities. <br /> <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />