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<br />Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 11 , 2006 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br /> <br />. The subdivision agreement anticipated the completion of a traffic signal at the <br />intersection ofHWY 42 and Hecla Dr. The location has been approved by CDOT and <br />will be installed by the City at the time that CDOT traffic warrants have been met and <br />subject to the capital improvement budgeting process. <br />. Request to combine Lots 4 and 5 into one parcel <br />. The parcel is constrained by three major easements. <br />1) One easement which is recommended for vacation is a 40-foot wide joint access <br />easement along the common property line between Lots 4 and 5. An easement <br />vacation ordinance will be drafted to coincide with the City Council hearing. <br />2) The second easement is a 45-foot wide water line and sanitary sewer easement <br />running north and south which is located between proposed building #1 and #2. <br />3) The third easement is a 30-foot wide slope and drainage easement which runs <br />parallel to the south property line. <br />. There is a building coverage of34% of the lot and 48% of the lot is in landscaped <br />coverage. <br />. Two driveway entrances are proposed: one in alignment with the drive access for the <br />Lodge at Balfour, and the second located at the easterly side of the parcel. <br />. The architectural treatment of the buildings is very similar to the Lodge at Balfour <br />located immediately north of Hecla Dr. <br />. The applicant is requesting a relief from the CDDSG for the building height of building <br />#1. Based upon an average finished grade of43'2", the applicant is requesting 8' of relief <br />from the CDDSG. Staff supports the requested relief from the CDDSG based upon the <br />revisions to the PUD to incorporate a variation of roof forms, stepping down portions of <br />the building, and the compatibility of the proposed structure to the height of adjacent <br />structure in the Balfour Campus. <br />. Staff recommends approval with the following three conditions: <br />1) That an Ordinance vacating the access easement shared between Lots 4 and 5 <br />shall be coordinated with the City Council final review for this project; <br />2) That the note on the cover sheet shall be modified from 'open space' to <br />landscaped coverage' so as not to be confused with publicly dedicated open <br />space; <br />3) The fire emergency fire lane shall be designed and constructed of hard surface <br />suitable to withstand the weight of the heaviest fire apparatus of the Louisville <br />Fire Protection District. The Fire District is requesting review and final sign off of <br />an engineered construction drawing of the proposed fire lane. <br /> <br />Commission Questions of Staff: <br />Loo had questions related to sidewalk width, traffic light locations on HWY 42 at both Hecla and <br />Paschal Dr. and use of the word 'hard surface' in condition #3. <br /> <br />Wood discussed each of her questions. <br /> <br />Applicant Presentation: <br />Michael Schonbrun, founder and CEO of Balfour Senior Living of which the Residences at <br />Balfour is a part. He provided the following summary points: <br />. The Residence at Balfour is the 3rd and final phase of the development for the Balfour <br />complex. <br />