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Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2010 10 20
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2010 Sustainability Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2010 10 20
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Resource Conservation Advisory Board <br />Minutes –September 15th, 2010 <br />Page 2of 4 <br />3.We could post packagesof information. Annie said we would start witha “trash package” - <br />how to avoid the negative side effects of composting. Apparently,the City receives many <br />questions about the trash program and composting(re: Meredith).“Water conservation” <br />would be anotherpackage. Annie said the City has some restrictionsfor links. We can <br />link to any government site orbusiness site as long as is not outright advertising. Arno <br />suggestedthat the LSABagree to anything prior toposting.LSAB members can send <br />suggestions for linksto Arno and Annie–but wait until theyannounce topicsbefore <br />forwarding anything.They asked members not to forward information randomly.Mark <br />Annie said <br />asked if Meredithhas other topics about which peoplefrequentlyinquire. <br />Mark should research that questions with Meredith <br />.Arno said he and Annie would <br />preview sites andinformation before posting. Arno said the site will be amix of links, tips, <br />and tales of experience.A discussion oncomposting digressed into comments onbones, <br />maggots, and compostable plastic bags. Annie told the board that over the next couple <br />monthshe and Annie wouldfocus on the compostable issue. <br />2. LSAB and Boulder County Green Homes Tours <br />As Andy was not present at themeeting, Annie reiteratedinformation Andyhadforwardedto the <br />board via email. Andy said that more volunteers are needed to assist with the tour. He asked <br />that we get friends/neighbors to sign up.He alsoneeds help handing out postcards and posters <br />–please pick them up at his office.Annie suggestedthat the board review the details provided <br />in Andy’s email. <br />3. Green Building Program, GEO Grant Application <br />Also relayed by Annie for Andy: the GEO grantwe assisted the City with wasnot awarded to <br />anyone –it is apparentlyon hold pending what SWEEP is doing.There are a couple of <br />meetings you can attend.Review the detailsof the meetings and the decisionin Andy’s email. <br />4.Plastic Bag Program <br />Mark stated that he has not done anything new on this topic since the last meeting. He is <br />wondering how detailed a script he needs to present to the LSAB prior to meeting with any <br />groups. He is notintending to propose anyprogram to them or advocate aban or fee structure. <br />He felt that it is not appropriate to advocate such a position at this point –only to gather <br />information.He may recommend that the LSAB supporta fee on bag oraban bagsafter <br />determiningwhat entities think/feel/consider. Anniesaid she could support the program as long <br />as it was just information gathering at this point -but she would not support theproposalof a <br />position. Mary Ann said she would support the programafter reviewing an action plan:i.e. a <br />Mark <br />summary (one page?)ofthe specific actions Mark has planned forpursuingthis topic. <br />indicated that he will email an Action Planto board members. <br />We can commenton it if we <br />wish.Mark said that since last meeting CA state ban was rejected by the legislature. The <br />Chemical Board fought it. The sponsor of bill hadincluded aprovision that shoppers had to pay <br />anickel for each paper bag –or merchants had to provide recycledbags.The bill was revised <br />so that customers had to pay only for the actual cost of any bags. Now citiesin CAare <br />proceeding on their own. Lisaasked how much money the ChemicalBoard will dump into <br />Louisvilleto fight a ban. Mark indicated that he did not know. Tom asked Mark what he is <br />looking for –total eliminationof bags? Mark stated that he is looking for some kind of reduction <br />in single use bags. <br />VII.UPDATESON MEMBER REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION <br />1. Recharge Colorado InnovationGrant <br />Annie called attention to a link in the agenda she had sent. It discussed an application deadline <br />of 9.24.2010 for a grant for removing barriers to accessing informationfor energy efficiency. <br />Tom said he thought the city had reviewedthe grant informationa few weeks ago and decided <br />
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