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CITY OF LOUISVILLE PROPERTY TRAIL REQUESTS FOR 2011 <br /> Property List <br /> 1. Mayhoffer Property (Lafayette's Area 6 and 7). The Mayhoffer Property is <br /> approximately 200 acres in size and is designated as `Rural Preservation' in the <br /> Super IGA and agricultural `Lands of National Importance' in the Boulder <br /> County Comprehensive Plan. The Louisville Open Space Advisory Board has <br /> ranked this property as Louisville's number one open space priority for several <br /> reasons. First, it contains the largest undeveloped and unprotected stretch along <br /> Coal Creek in Louisville (3,166ft.). Second, it is the last privately owned parcel <br /> of significant size that can be utilized as a buffer zone between Louisville and <br /> Lafayette. Third, the preservation of this Centennial Farm is important for the <br /> area's agricultural history. Lastly, this property would serve to connect the City <br /> of Louisville's Aquarius property with the jointly owned Harney Lastoka and <br /> Adler /Fingru properties. <br /> 2. Highway 287 and Coal Creek (Lafayette's Area 8 Adler /Creekside). This <br /> property is comprised of two separate parcels totaling approximately 120 acres. <br /> The property is primarily located west of Highway 287 with a parcel both north <br /> and south of Coal Creek. Acquisition of both parcels is recommended with an <br /> understanding that the parcels will not likely become available at the same time. <br /> Lafayette lists this property as their number one priority. Benefits of acquiring <br /> this property include: protection of the Coal Creek riparian corridor, enhancement <br /> of the regional trail experience, buffering between developments, protections of <br /> the view -shed from Highway 287. <br /> 3. Highway 42 and Coal Creek. This area is approximately 18 acres in size and is <br /> located south of Highway 42 between two existing Louisville Open Space <br /> properties. The property is also adjacent to the regional Coal Creek trail, is within <br /> the Coal Creek riparian corridor and was designated as a `Significant Riparian <br /> Corridor' in the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. Benefits of acquiring this <br /> property include: protection of the Coal Creek riparian corridor and creation of a <br /> larger contiguous 47 acre open space property. <br /> 4. 96 Street and Dillon. This area is approximately 76 acres in size and is located <br /> south of Dillon Road between the jointly owned Admor and Trillium Open <br /> Spaces. This parcel was designated as agricultural `Lands of National <br /> Importance' in the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, this is the <br /> last parcel needed to complete the buffer zone between Louisville and <br /> Broomfield. <br /> 5. Spring Drive This area is approximately 19 acres in size and is located off of <br /> Spring Drive. The property is adjacent to the south west corner of Davidson <br /> Mesa Open Space and would be a valuable addition to Davidson Mesa Open <br /> Space. <br />