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COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL <br />FROM: MALCOLM FLEMING, CITY MANAGER <br />DATE: APRIL 21, 2009 <br />SUBJECT: DISCUSSION /DIRECTION /ACTION - APPROVAL OF PURCHASE <br />ORDER — MASS NOTIFICATION WARNING SYSTEM <br />ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />SUMMARY: <br />The Police Department proposes the purchase of a siren based emergency mass <br />notification system that will provide coverage to 95 +% of the city's residents. The system <br />will consist of three pole mounted solar powered omni - directional sirens that are activated <br />through the Boulder Sheriff's Department Communications Center as part of the county <br />wide emergency alert and response system. The system also has public address <br />capability that may be accessed locally and from the Communications Center. <br />The Whelen WPS2910 siren system is more expensive than others, but it is omni- <br />directional which means that it transmits 360 degrees simultaneously rather than the <br />acoustical highs & lows of the usual rotating sirens. Additionally, because of its <br />exceptional broadcast pattern, three of these sirens work as well as four of the <br />conventional rotating sirens. <br />The City did not offer the project for public bid. The Police Department recommends that <br />AV -TECH Electronics, Inc. be awarded the contract because they are the primary <br />contractor for the outdoor emergency notification systems throughout the county. They <br />have sold and serviced the systems for Boulder County, Marshall, Eldorado Springs <br />Canyon, City of Boulder, Jamestown, Lyons, Superior, Erie and Lafayette. AV- TECH's <br />bid includes the sirens, all components, the solar power system, poles, installation, and <br />testing. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />$109,041 is the quoted purchase price and $114,800 is budgeted in the 2009 Capital <br />Projects Fund. Annual maintenance will be about $1,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends City Council's approval of the purchase of the siren system. <br />ATTACHEMENTS: <br />AV -TECH price quotation LOUISVILLEODW4012009 <br />SUBJECT AGENDA ITEM <br />DISCUSSION /DIRECTION /ACTION - APPROVAL <br />OF PURCHASE ORDER — MASS NOTIFICATION <br />WARNING SYSTEM <br />77 <br />8A <br />