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Lcity�f Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />Open Space Advisory Board Minutes <br />February 14, 2024 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />• David: Hwy 42/South Street underpass charette report. Discussion of underpass <br />scope, budgets. <br />8: Discussion Item: Establishing Separate Open Space & Parks Funds. <br />Presented by Ryder Bailey, Finance Director (7:40 pm) (see packet for details) <br />• Forward projections over 7 years of Open Space/Parks revenue/expenses under <br />business -as -usual scenario (100% to Parks) and 50/50 split of general funds <br />scenario. Parks is in the red and Open Space in the black in both scenarios, but <br />it is more pronounced in 50/50 split. Note, the second scenario is not in line with <br />financial policy 5.3, which requires a structurally balanced budget, and Ryder <br />plans to recommend the 100% to Parks option to the Finance Committee and to <br />City Council. <br />• Michiko: could volunteer labor help balance expenditures? Ember: a little bit. <br />• Jessamine: how are trail maintenance funds allocated? Ember: Parks and Open <br />Space trails usually come out of their respective budgets. <br />5-minute recess <br />7: Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda (8:42 pm) <br />• Cathern Smith representing Louisville Open Space Advocates (LOSA) - Long <br />history of Low and Slow Open Space Budgets that need to be rectified going <br />forward. <br />• Comparison of parks and Open Space budgets w/ and w/o capital outlay, <br />contend it doesn't make a difference to general parks vs Open Space. Charles <br />disagreed: trend is the same, but numbers are very different. <br />• Cathern: Can we do more with our OS? Focus first on restoration, which has <br />been mostly neglected for many years. <br />■ "We'll never be Boulder, but we can be Better." <br />• Fiona Garvin - suggests a short-term sign campaign like the "there is no poop <br />fairy" regarding people leaving bagged dog poop on the trails. <br />• Fiona Garvin - question: is there a plan for North Open Space nature play <br />structure building? She is concerned about fire danger and impact on open <br />space. <br />9: Discussion Item: Debrief Regarding February 13, 2024, Meeting with City <br />Council Regarding OSAB's 2024 Work Plan. 8:57 pm Presented by Susan <br />McEachern. <br />Everyone agreed that it was nice to meet with Council and interact. <br />Michiko: Is it possible to meet with Council every year? <br />o Susan: yes, because they need to approve our work plan. <br />o Deb: in discussion. Maybe every year, maybe every other. <br />