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CITY OF LOUISVILLE <br />BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />NOTICE OF VARIANCE <br />DATE: January 18, 1995 <br />Petition of Earl & Donna Hoffm <br />Address of subject property 351 Troon Court <br />Legal description Lot 109, Coal Creek Ranch #3 <br />Referring to the above petition for a variance from the requirements of Louisville Municipal <br />Code Section(s) 17.28.110 <br />so as to permit a six foot high solid fence along St. Andrews Lane <br />where the code requirement is a maximum 42" high fence permitted by the approved Coal Creek <br />Ranch Filing #3 PUD. <br />After a public hearing, the Board of Adjustment found that all of the requirements of Section <br />17.48.110.B, insofar as applicable, have been satisfied and voted to approve a variance to the above <br />referenced section(s) of the Louisville Municipal Code so as to permit a six foot high solid fence <br />along St Andrews Lane where the code requirement is a maximum_42" high fence permitted by <br />the approved Coal Creek Ranch Filing #3 PUD. <br />with the following condition(s): <br />L Fence shall not he within ten (10) feet of inside edge of sidewalk (property line edge) <br />2_ The "good side" of the pickets_shall face St Andrews I.ane.. OK toiiave pickets on the <br />inside of fence as well <br />3_ 1 andscaping hetween fence and sidewalk shall he g ass,lrees and shrubs as is consistent <br />throw flout Coal Creek Ranch Filing 3 <br />4. Six (6) foot fence to start fifty (50) feet away from inside. edge of sidewalk from the <br />intersection of St Andrews i ane and Troon Court <br />5_. Landscaping and fencing shall not obstruct safe stopping distance sight and vision <br />clearance area at intersection of St Andrews I ane and Troon Court <br />Signed: <br />Board of Adjust <br />