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CITY OF LOUISVILLE <br />BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br />NOTICE OF FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT <br />DATE: April 15, 1998 <br />PETITIONER: Paul Weller, Johnston Engineering, for T.C. Denver, Inc. <br />ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Lot 2, Coal Creek Business Park <br />This notice is concerning the above petition for a Floodplain Development Permit per the <br />requirements of Louisville Municipal Code Section 17.56 to allow grading work within the <br />regulatory floodplain. Said grading is proposed to allow a 4,300 square foot section of a parking iot <br />to be constructed in the 100-year floodplain, including the placement of minimal fill material. <br />After holding a public hearing, the Board of Adjustment found that all of the requirements of Section <br />17.56, insofar as applicable, including specifically Sections 17.56.160.A, 17.56.160.C.2, <br />17.56.160.C.3 and 17.56.160.C.4, were satisfied and voted (5 - 0) to approve the Floodplain <br />Development Permit. The grading work was approved as proposed, with the following three <br />conditions: <br />1. That this approval is only valid if a Final PUD is approved by City Council authorizing <br />the parking lot to be constructed as generally proposed here; <br />2. That an erosion control plan is submitted for City review and approval prior to any grading <br />or construction activity in the floodplain; and <br />3. That, at the completion of construction and prior to any certificates of occupancy being <br />granted on Lot 2, the applicant provides certification from a registered professional <br />engineer that the grading work has been completed as approved by the Board of <br />Adjustment. <br />Signed: <br />Clark Metsker - Chair <br />Board of Adjustment - City of Louisville <br />AttMV2 <br />Beverly Ca <br />Board of A <br />kz� <br />bell -Vice Chair <br />justment - City of Louisville <br />