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• <br />• <br />• <br />Board Questions of Staff: <br />Chairman Metsker asked if this was before the Board of Adjustment because there is some small <br />amount of fill required for this project. Ken Johnstone stated that is correct. If any fill is <br />proposed whether they are meeting City requirements in terms of that work or not, it does require <br />review by the Board to ensure that the work is being done correctly and monitored. Chairman <br />Metsker asked how many lots are proposed in this development. Mr. Johnstone stated that it is a <br />six -lot subdivision of which four of the lots are larger lots designed for office users, though one <br />is proposed for a hotel. There are two smaller lots that will generally accommodate banks or <br />full -service restaurants. <br />Applicants Statement: <br />Paul Weller, Project Manager of Johnston Engineering, here on behalf of TC Denver, Inc., to ask <br />for the approval of this floodplain development permit for Lot 2 of the Coal Creek Business <br />Park. As the site plan was being developed it was noted that the parking lot did encroach on a <br />portion of the floodplain and they have tried to match the grades in the parking lot with the <br />floodplain grades that exist today. The grades are pretty close to the floodplain grades. <br />Approximately six to eight inches of material will need to be removed from the floodplain in <br />order to place the paving material. The parking lot was designed specifically to not increase the <br />water elevation in the floodplain. The parking lot pavement will be resistant to erosion and the <br />landscaping adjacent to parking lot should also be resistant to any erosion. <br />Board Questions: <br />Member Ford asked how many cubic yards of fill is being proposed. Mr. Weller stated that it <br />was more in the range of cubic feet, and that it is a minor amount. <br />Public Present In Favor of Application: <br />None. <br />Opposed: <br />None. <br />Public Hearing Closed, Board Member Discussion: <br />None. <br />Motion made by Paul Boland to approve variance as requested with the three conditions, that the <br />approval is valid only if the Final PUD is approved, that the erosion control plan submitted for <br />City review and approval by any grading or construction activity in the floodplain, and; that at <br />3 <br />