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I would like to extend my appreciation to all those who have <br />helped me in the preparation of this project. The Louisville Public <br />Library staff and the members of the Historical Commission deserve <br />my sincere thanks for the use of their collection of articles, maps <br />and photographs which have proved invaluable. The City Planning <br />Office has also been most helpful in providing advice and plats of <br />the old town additions. <br />A special thank you goes to Carolyn Conarroe for her friendly <br />assistance and knowledge of local history and the available resource <br />materials. The Louisville Story has been my "scout manual" in pla- <br />cing all the scattered bits of research in perspective. <br />My gratitude also goes to Laura Ellis, Nora Clark and Quentin <br />Thomas for providing me with the priceless insights of their experi- <br />ences. <br />The friendly folks at the Boulder County Assessors and Recorders <br />offices have been great in tolerating my frequent visits, (despite <br />their idle threats to have me answer the phones). <br />