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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> September 21 2010 <br /> Page 6 of 11 <br /> 31. Market "Best City" Status On hold <br /> 32. Update Investment Policy Delayed to 2011 <br /> 33. Develop Green Building Design Guidelines On hold <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Council comments included ConocoPhillips dedication to complete the project. There <br /> were questions relative to using Historic Preservation Funds for conducting a survey on <br /> the grain elevator and where restoration funds would come from. Councilors voiced their <br /> appreciation to City Manager Fleming for his quarterly status report. <br /> RESOLUTION No. 49, SERIES 2010 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PLANNED <br /> UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO CONSTRUCT A 50,646 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE <br /> FACILITY LOCATED AT 1301 EMPIRE ROAD ON LOT 2 OF THE EMPIRE ROAD <br /> SUBDIVISION <br /> Mayor Sisk requested a Staff presentation. <br /> City Planner McMillan explained Resolution No. 49, Series 2010, would approve a <br /> Planned Unit Development to construct a 50,646 SF Storage Facility at 1301 Empire <br /> Road. The property is zoned Industrial (I) and subject to the requirements of the <br /> Industrial Development Design Standards and Guidelines (IDDSG). The applicant <br /> proposes to construct a 50,646 square foot storage facility on the site, consisting of six <br /> separate buildings to house approximately 300 storage units; space for portable storage <br /> containers on top of the storage buildings, and a 1,640 square foot office. <br /> The property is located within the Empire Road Subdivision. The City of Louisville shops <br /> building and the waste water treatment plant are located on the eastern border of the <br /> applicant's property. The property to the west is occupied by Louisville Glass, Inc. The <br /> properties to the east and west of the property are both zoned Industrial. The northern <br /> boundary of 1301 Empire is an old C &S railroad right -of -way, which is owned by the <br /> City of Louisville. Louisville City limits and the Harney Lastoka Open Space are located <br /> to the north of the subject property. The property to the south across Empire Road is <br /> located in Boulder County and is owned by the John D. Mayhoffer Trust. <br /> The property is located within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) <br /> designated 100 year floodplain. The Louisville Board of Adjustment granted the <br /> applicant a floodplain development permit in August of 2008, which authorized the <br /> development of a storage facility on the property and requires that all structures be <br /> elevated a minimum of two feet above existing site grades. <br /> The site will be accessed from two separate locations off of Empire Road. The access <br /> points will lead to 10 surface parking spaces located on the southern side of the storage <br /> facility. Parking for the individual storage units will be accommodated in the drive aisles <br /> internal to the site. <br />