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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> October 19, 2010 <br /> Page 3 of 8 <br /> Mayor Sisk reported on the following: The Water Committee will meet on Friday, <br /> October 22 to discuss the City's water needs. The Louisville Revitalization Commission <br /> met on October 18 and discussed using future TIF funds for permanent patios on Main <br /> Street. The mail ballots were sent out last week and early voting began on Monday, <br /> October 18 He urged Louisville citizens to consider and vote for Louisville Ballot <br /> Issue 2D. He thanked Journalist John Aguilar for the article he wrote about ballot issue <br /> 2D, which appeared in the Sunday edition of the Daily Camera. <br /> CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> City Manager Fleming reminded Council they are scheduled to meet with the Boulder <br /> County Commissioners on Monday, October 25, at 5:30 p.m. at the Louisville Public <br /> Library. He addressed Mr. Sobel's comments relative to his assertions the City has <br /> done nothing to publicize the Cable Company Customer Service Standards. He <br /> reported since June 2009, all City /Comcast documents are accessible through a Zink on <br /> the City Home Page. He noted the City does not have the authority to adjust or control <br /> rates, but may be able to help with poor service or billing errors. He thanked Mr. Sobel <br /> for bringing to the City's attention the Comcast Cable Television practice of providing <br /> insufficient notice of rate and channel lineup changes. <br /> Mr. Sobel responded to Mr. Flerning's statement and agreed the information is available <br /> on the City's Web site, but noted no one knows the information is there because the <br /> City does not inform the public. He took issue over the Comcast's notification process, <br /> which is 30 days. <br /> Mayor Sisk stated he shared Mr. Sobel's concern over Comcast acquiring the NBC <br /> Universal Company on a federal level. <br /> REGULAR BUSINESS <br /> PRESENTATION 2010 CENSUS <br /> Mayor Sisk introduced Pat Rodriguez, Specialist for the United States Census Bureau. <br /> Ms. Rodriquez presented a plaque of appreciation to the City for their efforts motivating <br /> residents to fill out and participate in the 2010 Census. She noted the City of Louisville <br /> had an 83% return rate for the 2010 Census questionnaires. She thanked Mayor Sisk, <br /> City Manager Fleming, Deputy City Manager Balser, Public Relations Manager Muth, <br /> City Planners McCartney and McMillan and the Louisville Recreation Center. She also <br /> distributed a packet of information, which contained a detailed PowerPoint presentation; <br /> a timeline of census releases, current surveys and funding allocations for federal <br /> programs. The Census Bureau's goal was to establish partnerships in local <br /> communities and to form census complete count campaigns to educate and motivate <br /> residents to complete and return their census questionnaire. <br />