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LL Cityof CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Louisville AGENDA ITEM 2 <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — TRAFFIC SAFETY: BICYCLES & <br />E-BIKES <br />DATE: MAY 28, 2024 <br />PRESENTED BY: RAFAEL GUTIERREZ, CHIEF OF POLICE <br />SCOTT MOORE, CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST <br />SUMMARY: <br />Several Councilmembers recently received communication from community members <br />regarding concerns about E-bike safety and the operation of these bicycles throughout <br />the city. Education, Enforcement, and Engineering are ways in which the City and its <br />departments typically address traffic safety concerns. <br />Improved traffic safety is a priority for the police department and we continue to <br />emphasize a proactive approach during daily patrol operations. Beginning in the <br />summer of 2023, the police department implemented several strategies to address <br />overall traffic safety for automobiles, pedestrians and bicyclists throughout the city. <br />Focused traffic safety zones, community messaging and engagement, collaboration <br />with other City departments, and equipping officers with tools for traffic enforcement are <br />specific ways the police department has worked to address traffic safety concerns. The <br />above listed approaches primarily use the Education and Enforcement strategy. <br />For addressing bicycle and E-bike safety, the City departments feel a useful approach is <br />to focus on providing education related to safe bicycle use, understanding E-bike <br />specific requirements and capabilities, and knowledge of traffic laws related to bicycle <br />operation on a roadway or pathway. This includes partnering with multiple stakeholders <br />to reach a wider audience. We also understand that in some cases, Enforcement is also <br />an option and sometimes warranted. The strategies discussed in the attached <br />presentation highlight some of what has been done and ideas for future engagement <br />opportunities. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />Fiscal impacts will vary depending on council's direction. Potential costs would be <br />associated with staff's time, promotional materials, engineering costs, signage, and <br />registration program expenses. Specific Fiscal Impact is currently unknown. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff is open to feedback and additional guidance from council on other ways in which <br />to address the concerns that have been raised. <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Presentation <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />