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Davidson called for City Attorney introduction. <br /> <br />Sam Light, City Attorney, stated that this public hearing is a hearing on the <br />Intergovernmental Agreement pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 29-20-105. Public <br />notice of tonight's hearing was given by publication on January 16 and 20 in the <br />Louisville Times and by publication in the Daily Camera on January 17, 1999. He <br />requested to enter for the record: all the materials included in the City Council packets; <br />the City Zoning Ordinance; the City Comprehensive Plan, including the South Sub-Area <br />Comprehensive Plan as amended; the Louisville/Lafayette Buffer Comprehensive <br />Development Plan IGA, as amended; the proofs of publication for notice of tonight' s <br />hearing; a copy of the mailed notice for tonight's hearing; and the list of persons mailed <br />notice; and any other public records of the City Administration and Planning Department <br />files that are related to the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement to be considered this <br />evening. <br /> <br />Davidson directed that these items be included for the record. <br /> <br />Bill Simmons, City Administrator, announced that there are sign-up cards available for <br />anyone wishing to speak on this item at the public hearing. In addition, there are copies of <br />the map that accompanies this Intergovernmental Agreement and is referred to as <br />'Exhibit A.' He stated that Resolution No. 5, Series 1999 before City Council is a <br />Resolution that would approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Louisville, <br />Lafayette, Broomfield and Boulder County regarding the US 287, Northwest Parkway <br />South Sub-Area Intergovernmental Agreement. The Resolution states that this type of <br />Intergovernmental Agreement is authorized by the State Statues to allow governments to <br />contract and cooperate with each other for the purposes of planning and regulating <br />development of land by the means of a comprehensive plan. Further, the <br />Intergovernmental Agreement is intended to and will assist in preserving the unique and <br />individual character of Louisville. In addition, it will assist in preserving the rural <br />character of certain lands in and surrounding the City of Louisville and in preserving <br />buffers of Open Space between the City of Louisville and the other parties to the <br />agreement. This Intergovernmental Agreement is intended to preclude increased <br />development and urban sprawl, which would obliterate the boundaries of Louisville, <br />Brootnfield, and Lafayette. The Intergovernmental Agreement is intended to encourage <br />and provide for planned, orderly growth within and without the City of Louisville. <br /> <br />Howard arrived (7:10 p.m.). <br /> <br />Simmons stated that the map, 'Exhibit A', shows various designations of land, including <br />rural preservation areas. These lands are intended to remain within the unincorporated <br />area of Boulder County, subject to Boulder County's land use regulatory jurisdiction. By <br />authorizing this agreement, Louisville and the other parties would prohibit comercial <br />community ventures between the lands designated as rural preservation and their <br />respective jurisdictions. The plan calls for the parties to support an access point of the <br />Northwest Parkway with US 287. The parties would support the roadway designed as a <br />multi-motor facility within a right-of-way approximately three hundred feet in width. <br /> <br /> <br />