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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />November 8, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Business Matters of Commission <br />1. Conversation with Ken Golding, Andrew and Taree Muller – various <br />properties on Main Street <br />Ken provides an update on his group. His group has selected Louisville to <br />invest and develop based on the strength of main street, rail station, and <br />progressive community planning. He would like to hear more about what <br />LRC thinks about the future. Ken has worked on redevelopment projects <br />in Washington D.C., Boston (Marblehead), Santa Fe, Tucson, Florida over <br />25 years. Ken was a city planner in Denver previously. Andrew and Taree <br />provide an overview of their properties. They own 844, 834, 820, & 734 <br />Main Street. They are excited about the “increased energy” on Main <br />Street. They would like to continue the “energy” into the winter. They <br />would like to have more events in their building. Next spring they would <br />like to modify the rear patio next spring to have more events and activity. <br />They would like to tie the activities with the restaurants. At 844 Main they <br />have a spa and offices that are “thriving”. They want to create places <br />where people want to “belong and dwell”. They would like to bring more <br />artists into downtown. They would like to bring more retail tenants into <br />downtown. One idea for 844 would be a bike rental and coffee cart. They <br />would like to connect downtown with Front Street as much as possible. <br />Michael Menaker mentions the importance of having a “day time <br />population” to support the long term objectives of the revitalization plan. <br />Emily mentioned how Louisville has a large contingent for residents “who <br />work from home” and there is an opportunity to cater retail business that <br />serve those uses. They want to have a list of what the citizens want as <br />the LRC moves forward and how the properties could accommodate the <br />new uses. Chris with the DBA board extended the invitation of the land <br />owners to the DBA meetings and explains the mission of “Destination <br />Louisville”. <br />2. Discussion of Plan for Downtown Pedestrian Plan improvements; <br />Includes discussion of permanent Main Street patios (Planning Dept) <br />Gavin McMillan provides an overview presentation of the DPPAC. <br />Michael Meanker mentions that future parking requirements might be <br />more strategically thought about in shorter distances from downtown. <br />Gavin will continue moving forward with action items noted in December. <br />3. Update on Highway 42 Station Area Master Plan and Next Steps TIP <br />Application <br />Planning staff has submitted project to DRCOG for funding. January 2011 <br />project awards will be released. Staff believes they will score highly. The <br /> <br />