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Youth Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />10/1/09 <br />Page 2of3 <br />practices-what works and what doesn’t. Hopes to be a resource <br />for people who want to involve youth. Will stay after the meeting for <br />a short interview with a few YAB members. <br />VIII.Volunteer Project for December-discuss results <br />Dessert and Story Time with Santa: Daisy-“I think it was adorable <br />and MUST DO next year!” Joi-thinks the parents really like it too. <br />IX.January and February volunteer projects <br />January: <br />Daffodil Days (1/17/11 @ Rec. Center) <br />and Eliza will call Meals-on- <br />Wheels to see if we can decorate bags/make cookies for them at the <br />same time, like we did last year. <br />February: <br />Royal Ball (Saturday, 2/12/11@ the Arts Center 1:30-6:30pm) <br />First shift will be regular set-up <br />3-4pm-will be Dads and daughters <br />4-5pm-Clean up and set upo <br />5-6pm-Moms and their little boys <br />There will be a live DJ and crafts <br />Heat Relief Dinner (Thursday, 2/17/2011@ Rec. Center) <br />2 shifts: 4:30-6:30pm or 6-8:30pm. <br />Will either be helping as wait staff or silent auction <br />X.2011 Open Government Requirements for Boards and Commissions <br />Mandy handed out and explained the packets <br />XI.Volunteer Guide Handbook <br />Eliza-we could have what it (the vol. opp.) is with the website <br />underneath it, and a commitment rating <br />Joi-should include age requirements and whether or not you need <br />to have apparent <br />Hannah-saw a thing about the Snow Busters program, should <br />include this <br />Mandy mentioned Volunteer Connections <br />Eliza-will look for the link to the NJHS pamphlet about opportunites <br />Sam-What is the scope? List every single event, or just <br />organizations? What about having a card that just directs people to <br />an online compilation of links, rather than a brochure? Vista prints <br />is super cheap to make business cards. This way is can be more <br />manageable, more green, moreeasily updated-we could also <br />share it on our website and Facebook. <br /> <br />