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Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2011 02 28
2011 Louisville Housing Authority Agendas and Packets
Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2011 02 28
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LHAPKT 2011 02 28
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8 -10 years. The PHA score was received this month. We scored an 85 on HUD testing, which <br />makes us a Standard Performer. To reach High Performer status, the PHA must score 90 or <br />higher. Chuck explained the Tenant Protection vouchers if PH is disposed of. Chuck and Frank <br />recommended that LHA consider engaging with a 3` party financial consultant to look at entire <br />portfolio to help with future decision- making. The board may want to consider discussing. Rob <br />asked if that included a financial analysis that would then lead to marketing the LHA and <br />properties as an investment: Chuck discussed the possibility of privatizing Hillside to use that <br />money for investment in other areas. Chuck estimated that privatizing Hillside would move it <br />from project -based to tenant based assistance and allow LHA to triple its income from the <br />property. Hillside would no longer be tied to HUD as public housing and would be owned by,an <br />LLC with LHA as a subsidiary owner. Current tenants would be issued tenant protection <br />vouchers:— tenants would essentially have the right to remain or move with assistance. <br />HUD reviews each disposition application carefully, so we would need to be thorough and <br />careful in the process. Financial consulting would help greatly in this process. At the Federal <br />level, HUD is currently very interested in public housing. Chuck said that the disposition process <br />usually takes around 11 months. This would be presented in a public meeting: Chuck discussed <br />the historic support of Section 8 at the Federal level and anticipation that it would continue. The <br />Sect. 8 Voucher program was started in 1972 and has gone up every year since. Annual <br />Contribution Contract does not have to be bought out per Chuck. Rob will go in and see the <br />notes on the properties. Per Sheri Sunnyside is the only one that has not done so well due to bad <br />loan. Rob stated we can always refinance. Chuck will finish the financial analysis and bring it <br />to next board meeting.; He will consult with Steve Clark Associates for public housing <br />disposition. At Lydia Morgan we are trying bids for the underlying pavement. Don Roybal is <br />working on that along with the PNA which will be done in September. Walt expressed that <br />residents are concerned about the flooring in the community room at Lydia Morgan. <br />Chuck explained the Tenant Protection vouchers and the rights of the tenants. Tenants have the <br />right to move and we would have to share the relocation fee and the utility expenses. Tenants' <br />rents would remain the same. HUD would need to have a good reason on the disposition <br />contract why we want to dispose and leave the PHA. Rob asked about NSF, Chuck will check <br />but does not think we applied for these funds. Rob discussed the benefits of expansion that could <br />be allowed by privatizing Hillside. Chuck said that he will bring further, info on the disposition of <br />Hillside to future board meetings. The Board agreed that Chuck would engage Steve Clark and <br />Associates in a preliminary analysis /estimate and that he would bring info to next meeting and <br />the Board will decide if they want to engage Steve Clark and Associates in a full analysis: <br />Chuck closed by saying that Frank would hopefully be at the next meeting. <br />Resolution 2011 -01: A Resolution Designating the Place for Posting of Notices of Meetings <br />of the Board of Commissioners of the Louisville Housing Authority <br />Teri motioned to approve resolution 2011 -01 and Rob seconded the motion, all in favor. The <br />motion to approve Resolution 2011 -01 passed unanimously. Bonnie brought the Open <br />Government Ethics for each board member. Joyce Brassem is here and she will be replacing <br />Walt on the board. <br />
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