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Docusign Envelope ID: E180B3F9-E53D-45E0-B037-15E18F59996A <br />4.5 Final layout. The Jurisdiction shall timely make any modification to the ballot <br />layout requested by the County Clerk. The Jurisdiction shall review and proofread and approve <br />the layout, format, and text of the final draft form of the Jurisdiction's official ballot and, if <br />applicable, TABOR Notice within 24 hours of the County Clerk providing the Jurisdiction with <br />the copy to be proofed. The Jurisdiction shall return the final draft form ballot proofs on or <br />before September 13, 2024. <br />4. Cancellation of Election by the Jurisdiction. If the Jurisdiction resolves not to <br />hold the election or to withdraw a ballot issue, the Jurisdiction shall immediately provide notice <br />of such action to the County Clerk. Initial notice to the County Clerk may be informal. The <br />Jurisdiction shall provide proof of the Jurisdiction's formal action canceling the election or <br />withdrawing a ballot issue(s) as soon as practicable after the Jurisdiction's formal action. The <br />Jurisdiction shall promptly pay the County Clerk the full actual costs relating to the Jurisdictions <br />election, both before and after the County Clerk's receipt of such notice. The Jurisdiction shall <br />provide notice by publication of such cancellation or withdrawal of ballot or question(s). The <br />County Clerk shall post notice of the cancellation or withdrawal of ballot issue(s) or question(s) <br />in the office of the County Clerk, and the Election Officer shall post notice of the cancellation at <br />buildings of the Jurisdiction. The Jurisdiction shall not cancel the election after the 25th day prior <br />to the Election as provided in C.R.S. § 1-5-208. <br />5. PROVISIONS UNIQUE TO SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND OTHER <br />COORDINATING DISTRICTS <br />5.1 Boundaries of Jurisdiction. No later than the date this IGA is signed by the <br />Jurisdiction, the Jurisdiction shall either confirm that the map of its boundaries provided to the <br />County Clerk and County Assessor in January of 2024 is current and accurate or provide an <br />accurate map. The Jurisdiction is responsible for ensuring that its boundaries are accurately <br />defined in the Assessor's database because the County Clerk uses this database to identify <br />eligible voters. <br />5.2 Multi -county special district jurisdictions. If the Jurisdiction's boundaries <br />include areas outside of Boulder County, the County Clerk will communicate with the <br />corresponding counties to create a master list of all property owner ballots issued in this <br />jurisdiction. <br />5.3 Non-resident property owners entitled to vote. Where non-resident property <br />owners may be entitled to vote in the Jurisdiction's election, the County will review a list of such <br />property owners and identify those owners who may be entitled to vote in the Jurisdiction's <br />election. The County will complete the review and create a list of potentially eligible non- <br />resident property owners by September 18, 2024, or 48 days prior to Election Day. The County <br />will send this list to the Jurisdiction for review and approval. Once this list has been approved <br />by the Jurisdiction, the Clerk will send non-resident property owners on the final list a letter and <br />self -affirmation to establish eligibility. See Attachment A — Non -Resident Property Owner <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />