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Noc. RoSS <br />February 11, 1976 <br />Mayor John Waschak <br />City Council Members <br />City of Louisville <br />749 Main Street <br />Louisville, Colorado - 80027 <br />RE: Board of Appeals end Zoning Adjustments <br />Minutes of organizational meeting <br />Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members, <br />0n February 10, 1976 a meeting, of the newly appointed members of <br />the Board of Appeals and Zoning Adjustments, was called to order by Bob <br />Ross. Members present were Bob Ross, Ernest Marinelli, Don Ross, and <br />Don Pickett. Fifth member Bob Davis was absent. <br />Bob Ross was elected as chairman with Ernest Marinelli elected <br />as secretary. ' 1 <br />A discussion was held as to a possible increase in fees. A list / <br />of expenses for a pending hearing discussed. It was determined that v <br />zerox copies, envelopes and stamps was costing slightly more than <br />Ten dollars per case with newspaper ads equalling this figure. If acslil <br />secretarial charge were added to there charges the cost per hearing <br />would be from S35.40 to gI2.39 depending on what hourly wage was paid. <br />Since the minutes and necessary typing is being done by voluntary labor, go <br />Don Pickett made a motion to in r-. - �- - _ ::, ...-d by ' <br />Don Ross. The motion passed. It was discussed and decided to adver se B G‘44/ <br />_or two alternates. <br />Respesgtfully, <br />E . Marinelli <br />Secretary <br />Board of Appeals and Zoning Adjustments <br />Copy for Mel Stephen <br />Council Members <br />