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Planning Commission <br />Staff Report <br />September 12, 2024 <br />The second waiver request is for relief from the 10-foot side interior setback on the west <br />side of the site. The existing building setback is 4.3 feet, and the applicant intends to <br />extend the building by 28 feet while maintaining the existing setback. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />Staff analysis includes a review of applicable Design Louisville Design Handbook <br />policies followed by the waiver criteria, and the SRU criteria. The PUD review criteria <br />are included as an appendix. <br />Design Handbook for Downtown Louisville <br />Any PUD within Downtown is subject to the Design Handbook policies. Staff have <br />highlighted the following policies that are applicable to the project, along with staff's <br />analysis in italics. Policies are broken out by categories of General Standards and <br />Guidelines ("G") applicable to all areas of Downtown and Core Area Standards and <br />Guidelines ("C"). Not all policies need to be met for approval or support of a project, but <br />all projects should seek to meet all applicable polices when appropriate. Please <br />reference pg. 4 of the Design Handbook for further discussion on how the policies are <br />structured as either mandatory or only encouraged. Each policy is followed by staff's <br />analysis in italics. <br />Cl. All projects should respect the traditional context of downtown. <br />1) In all cases, consideration should be given to the broader context of the block <br />and the town at large. <br />This block of Front Street is comprised of a mix of commercial uses, including offices, <br />retail, and a restaurant. Pine Street includes bars, restaurants and entertainment uses <br />with structures pulled directly to the street. Building heights and form vary significantly <br />from historic one-story structures to two-story modern office and commercial buildings. <br />The applicant has considered directly adjacent building forms and site improvements in <br />their design. <br />G4. Develop the street and alley edges of a property to be at a pedestrian scale. <br />1) Provide visual interest on all facades which will be seen from streets, alleys and <br />pedestrian ways. <br />3) Buildings should express human scale, through materials and forms that are <br />familiar building elements in town. <br />4) Use varied building setbacks and changes in materials to create interest and <br />reduce the perceived scale of buildings along alleys. <br />The building materials at the ground level is predominantly smooth wood siding with a <br />traditional 6-inch exposure and brick. Both street front elevations utilize large glass and <br />storefront displays to engage pedestrians and allow visual connection to interior <br />activities. No parking is proposed on site, allowing for expanded and continuous <br />sidewalks where they did not exist previously. The addition to the existing structure <br />created varied setbacks with material variation. <br />6 <br />