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<br />Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />OCTOBER 16, 2006 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />the precedents it creates, and in applying the variance criteria to individual cases, the <br />Board acts within the scope of this competence and in accordance with its duties. <br />6) Minimum variance to afford relief - The applicant makes a showing of the reasonably <br />limited nature of the relief requested by comparing the height of the fence as requested to <br />the LMC standard as it would be applied if the grade of the property and the road were <br />the same. In so doing, the applicant shows that from the vantage point of the road, the <br />requested variance is, from a visibility perspective, the functional equivalent of fence <br />only 5 feet high. This is within the standard prescribed by LMC, and therefore <br />functionally satisfies the requirement that the modification be the least needed to afford <br />relief. The photos, provided by applicant, which contain a graphic model of the proposed <br />fence, visually and vividly illustrate this effect. <br /> <br />Chancellor stated that Loeblich articulated a review of the criterion quite well. The only criterion <br />that he questions as to having been met is #2. Is this lot the only lot in that subdivision that has <br />the topographic slump? <br /> <br />Malmquist asked if any properties sit as close to McCaslin as the applicant's property. He also <br />stated that all six criterion had been met as stated by Loeblich. <br /> <br />Cordell agreed with the points discussed by Loeblich. <br /> <br />Kelly stated that he appreciated the comments made by Loeblich. He stated that he believes that <br />all criterion have been met as reviewed by Loeblich. <br /> <br />Motion and Vote: <br />Malmquist moved and Kelly seconded a motion to approve Case No. 06-022-V A for 1082 W. <br />Alder St,; Lot 8, Hilltop Subdivision; A variance request to replace 150 linear feet of an 6' <br />privacy fence with a block wall where a 50' section, which is 3 '9" below street level, would be <br />8' in height. <br /> <br />Roll Call Vote: <br /> <br />Bill Cordell Yes <br />Gerry Kelly Yes <br />Horst Loeblich Yes <br />James Stuart Recused <br />John Weise Excused <br />Gunnar Malmquist Yes <br />Wayne Chancellor, Associate Yes <br />Motion passed: 5 to 0 <br /> <br />Stuart returned to the meeting. <br /> <br />~ Case No. 06-023-V A: 116 Springs Cove; Lot 88, Coal Creek Ranch Filing #2, Replat A <br />amended. A variance request to place an enclosed patio structure on the rear property line <br />that abuts a drainage area (designated open space) next to the Coal Creek Golf Course. <br /> <br />Board Member Verification of site visits, ex parte contacts and conflicts of interest: <br />Loeblich requested Board Member Verification for the variance request at 116 Springs Cove. <br />