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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 19, 2024 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />Committee Comments: <br />Councilmember Kern asked about the recommendation to cap requests at 30% of a previous year rather <br />than 50% increase. The Finance Director responded that additional applications received after the meeting <br />materials were posted caused the reduction in order to fund more programs. <br />Councilmember Kern asked if we had followed up with Meals on Wheels. She noted that this is a service <br />used heavily by the community and she is concerned that they might have to decrease services due to <br />lack of funding. She asked if they were limited on what they requested. The Finance Director responded <br />that there were no restrictions on what organizations could request, noting that the awarded amount is <br />33% higher than last year. Brittany Vital, Development and Marketing Director of Coal Creek Meals on <br />Wheels commented that the most funding they have received from the city in the past was $2,500 so they <br />doubled their request this year based on best practices for grant applications. She confirmed that the need <br />for their services is growing quickly, and funding is not keeping up. Councilmember Kern asked if there <br />will be a reduction in services and if the city would be able to find budget for the full $5,000 request if it <br />would allow Meals on Wheels not reduce services. Brittany responded that, so far, no waitlist has had to <br />be implemented within the service area. She added that, if it gets to a point financially where funds are <br />not available, they may need to implement a waitlist. <br />Councilmember Hamlington asked about the process for selection and how much money is awarded. She <br />asked if it is just historically how it has been done, that everyone who applies gets money and the pot is <br />divided based on the number of applicants? Also, has the work plan or council priorities ever been applied <br />to selecting who gets funding? The Finance Director responded that he wasn't part of the process for the <br />previous budget cycle. He noted that, looking back, it appears that any organization which requested funds <br />was rewarded some level of funds within the available budget. <br />Councilmember Kern asked the City Clerk if she had any background information on the process. The City <br />Clerk responded that she doesn't believe the city has given funding to all applicants in prior budget cycles <br />and she will research and provide that information to the committee. <br />Councilmember Hoefner commented that these are all organizations with relationships with the city over <br />prior years and there is probably some value in continuing and maintaining those relationships. He noted <br />that he reviewed the applications and felt they are all worth funding. He is inclined to agree with an <br />approach where everyone gets what they ask for or a little more than previous year awards, especially <br />given the total amount of money isn't a large amount and if we tried to divide it more specifically, he's not <br />sure how much it would change. <br />Councilmember Hamlington commented that the relationships are certainly important and as budgets get <br />tight and number of applications increase, the committee might need to consider a different strategy when <br />allocating funds to the different applicants. <br />Councilmember Kern asked if there is any room in the budget to expand funding for some of these requests <br />based on the percentage of the requests. Community Food Share was an example she presented, <br />4/87 <br />