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Board of Adjustment Documents 1991
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1991 Board of Adjustment Agendas and Packets
Board of Adjustment Documents 1991
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10/17/2024 9:56:40 AM
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12/15/2006 11:31:15 AM
City Council Records
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<br />within the front yard setback. The applicants are Chris and Marla Martoglio. The property <br />is located at 580 Cleveland Avenue and today's date of the meeting is June 10, 1991, 7:30 <br />p.m., at the Louisville City Hall Council Chambers, 749 Main Street, in Louisville. All <br />persons in any manner interested in the consideration of the variance were requested to <br />attend the public hearing, published for the Louisville Planning Division for the Louisville <br />Board of Adjustment by the Louisville Times on May 22, 1991. Are there any other <br />publications? <br /> <br />Wood: Would you just add, Mr. Chairman, that the applicant did physically post the <br />property with the variance applied here. <br /> <br />Sears: On what date? Or do you have that? <br /> <br />Wood: I don't have that. <br /> <br />Sears: Okay. And were letters sent out? <br /> <br />Wood: Yes. <br /> <br />Sears: Okay. So, at this time I would ask the applicant if there is a desire to continue this <br />on to another meeting time when five members can be present. You will need all four. <br /> <br />Eisenstein: I'll speak to them. Let me introduce myself. First of all, good evening Mr. <br />Chairman and members of the Board. My name is David Eisenstein. I am an attorney. <br />I practice law in Boulder, Colorado at 831 Pearl Street, and I am here to represent Chris <br />and Marla Martoglio in this variance application. <br /> <br />Sears: I will stop you for a second here. I appreciate you coming up so soon. That's good. <br />What I need to do is, at this time, explain what conditions have to be met. You are <br />welcome to stay here and order to grant a variance, so, let me do that and then we <br />will get on your presentation. If it would be easier for you, I would like to address the <br />question of whether or not we want to have this tabled. If you want to do it sort of <br />informally before we are actually going into the public hearing process, that is fine with me. <br />So, I know we are in the public hearing now, but... because I would like to get a feel from <br />all of the Board members present as to how you would like to proceed. <br /> <br />Eisenstein: Ideally, we would have liked to have had five voting members here because <br />then, obviously, the odds are better. We have a better chance of getting four people for <br />approval. We realize we need four votes. As I think you are aware, this is somewhat of <br />a difficult application. I think you are aware of some of the history of it. And, I assumed <br />you have all had some opportunity to review your packets, the submission by the applicant, <br />the report from the staff, so you know a little bit about the application. So, maybe you <br />have have some ideas on how we should proceed on this. If you think the process might <br />be better served by having five members present, let me know, or if you feel that you are <br /> <br />2 <br />
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