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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />September 18, 2024 <br />Page 2of8 <br />Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: None. <br />Commissioner Comments on Items not on the agenda: None. <br />Business Matters of Commission: <br />Downtown Vision Plan Presentation and Discussion <br />The Economic Vitality Manager introduced a presentation to the preferred plan which included <br />public and business input. This is a high-level concept plan of what investments that can be <br />made and concepts which can be implemented. Today is not intended to be a detailed overview <br />of the plan. When the Vision Plan is adopted, staff will send out an RFP to go through the <br />construction and design process. Once the construction process begins, more details will be <br />provided to the commission for feedback and approval. An overview was included in the <br />meeting packet. If the Commission approves moving forward, staff will present this project to <br />council for approval. <br />The City Engineer introduced Matt Shawaker with MIG who presented a summary of the Vision <br />Plan to the Commission. The presentation was included in the meeting packet. <br />The City Engineer presented a draft schedule, which would come back to the commission <br />during the design process for review and finalization in phases. <br />The Economic Vitality Manager mentioned that the October meeting of the LRC is intended to <br />be predominantly an overarching budget discussion, including a possible amendment to the <br />2024 budget and presenting a draft budget for 2025. If the vision plan is adopted, the <br />commission will start to narrow down the portions of this project the LRC wants to prioritize. <br />Commissioner Williams made a motion to adopt the downtown vision preferred plan as <br />presented directing staff to draft a letter from the LRC identifying priorities as follows: <br />1. Recognizing the LRC has a limited budget and does not anticipate being able to add <br />additional funds beyond the current anticipated funding through the bond. <br />2. The LRC would like to emphasize the priority of investments on Front Street and <br />Steinbaugh Plaza, also recognizing that there needs to be an investment on Main Street. <br />3. The LRC would also like to ensure that the branding and wayfinding signage is <br />considered in phase 1. <br />Commissioner Tofte seconded the motion. The Commissioners were all in favor of the motion. <br />Commissioner Comments: <br />Commissioner Lipton said he was confused about what feedback staff is looking for today. The <br />EV Manager responded that the feedback we are looking for today is overall concept of the <br />plan, what the commission thinks of the three components that have been chosen to prioritize — <br />Front Street, Steinbaugh, and the Main Street Improvements — and the timing of the different <br />components in the plan. The Director of Community Development added that if the Commission <br />could vote to recommend approval to City Council, staff is seeking that vote from the LRC today. <br />