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<br />City Council <br />Joint Study Session Summary <br />November 20, 2006 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />Public Comments: <br />. The meeting began with an introduction from Paul Wood, Planning Director, and <br />an explanation of the purpose of the 3D Modeling project and what staff hoped to <br />learn from this work session. <br />. Sean McCartney, Principal Planner, explained that the 3D modeling project is <br />primarily a visioning tool and is not to be used as a proposal for development in the <br />Highway 42 area. <br />. Jeff Winston, Winston and Associates, presented the aspects of the 3D Model. <br />a Placement of existing building on the Highway 42 area and the <br />Downtown Commercial Core. <br />a Explanation of the existing zoning and how that will be used. <br />a Discussion of how the Highway 42 Mixed Use Design Standards work <br />within the proposed area. <br />a Displayed the "Glass Envelopes" that visually displayed the yard and <br />bulk requirements currently established in the Design Standards. <br />a Discussion on how the uses would be distributed, at maximum buildout. <br />a Explained the need of the large parking areas in the commuter rail <br />station and the Transit Oriented Development (TaD) area. <br />· Jeff also explained the possibility of structured parking, but noted <br />it was very expensive ($18,000 - $25,000 per parking space). <br />a Discussion on how downtown was being studied in this model and <br />explained how there is only 84,000 square feet of Floor Area Ratio <br />(FAR) remaining in the Downtown Core, based on current regulations <br />(maximum 350,000 square feet). <br />a Discussion of parking lot layout <br />· Along Rail Road <br />· Dispersed throughout development in separate pods <br />· Located along Highway 42 <br />a The consensus was for parking along the railroad (easy access). <br />a Discussion regarding the pedestrian underpass <br />· Jeff explained there needs to be connectivity to downtown from <br />this TaD development. Since vehicular underpass is more than <br />likely not going to happen, at minimum there needs to be <br />pedestrian underpass. <br />. The group discussed faults with the RTD platform design <br />. Paul Wood & Jeff Winston reminded the group that RTD does not have design <br />details for this area and the upcoming Environmental Assessment process is the <br />best place for that discussion. They explained that this meeting is to provide a <br />visual discussion of the Highway 42 Design Guidelines. <br />. Public Discussion: Jeff Winston opened the meeting to a more public discussion. <br />a Typical questions I Issues: <br />· What about tunneling the train through town? <br />· How will the existing neighborhoods benefit? Will they be <br />enhanced? This is only shown as a detriment with platform <br />