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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />November 12, 2024 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />The group discussed housing needs and what the priorities might be for the limited <br />funding. There was an understanding that multiple funding sources will be necessary to <br />make much of a dent in the current housing needs in the region. <br />The group discussed wildfire mitigation. Commissioner Stolzmann reported the County <br />is working on how to implement wildfire mitigation across many communities and many <br />different types of lands. The County has money available for education and as an <br />incentive for people to prepare themselves. They have seen good results from the <br />homes that have completed the Wildfire Partners work. She added that the County has <br />leveraged state and federal money to do more mitigation in the forested areas to help <br />maintain water quality. The County has now hired someone to work on wildfire <br />mitigation specifically related to irrigation ditches and that person is in the process of <br />scoping that mitigation work. <br />Commissioner Levy reported on transportation issues including regional funding <br />processes, the county's dedicated transportation tax, and the list of projects the tax will <br />be funding for the next few years. She reviewed some of the work of the NW <br />Mayors/Commissioners coalition; grant funding for safety improvements on Hwy 287; <br />the Boulder/Erie bikeway; and the US 36 bikeway from Boulder to Lyons. The focus is <br />safety improvements and multimodal options more than increasing capacity. <br />Levy reported on the two rail ideas currently being considered for this corridor. Members <br />discussed rail stops and the possibility of Louisville getting one. <br />Members discussed human services and what types of services are provided to <br />Louisville residents. <br />BOULDER HOUSING DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION <br />Susana Lopez -Baker and Bill Cole of the Boulder Housing Department noted the recent <br />changes separating the Housing Department from the Human Services Department. <br />The Housing Department includes the Boulder County Housing Authority and their <br />mission. She reviewed the specific goals of the department and partnerships that will be <br />needed to make those happen. She also noted their housing unit creation goal and the <br />focus on land acquisition and future development. <br />Bill Cole reviewed the Homeless Systems and Coordinated Response Division and its <br />plan to impact homelessness. This is a regional approach using the principal of housing <br />first. He reviewed Louisville homelessness numbers and those residents in Louisville <br />seeking services from Boulder County and Longmont. <br />Lopez -Baker reviewed the Supportive Housing Unit's work to create housing stability for <br />county residents including families and youth. She noted their team supports 346 units <br />in Louisville. 131 of which are set aside for those aged 55 and older. They also oversee <br />