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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />September 4, 2001 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />on new programs and facilities. He stated that the Board would function similarly to the <br />Senior or Library Board. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that the idea is intriguing, and not knowing the financial impact of a new <br />board, requested that time be set aside to review the matter at a work session. <br /> <br />Brown concurred that it was a tremendous idea and wished to review it in detail. He <br />voiced his belief that it is good to get input from that section of the community. He asked <br />who would select the board members. <br /> <br />Kearny stated that he would draft a proposal to be reviewed at a work session. He stated <br />that he would prefer to leave selection of board members up to each individual school. <br /> <br />Sisk voiced his appreciation of Councilman Keany's idea and suggested that this be <br />further reviewed at a future work session. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS NOT ON THE AGENDA <br /> <br />Richard Kithil, 891 N. Hoover, Louisville, CO stated that he would address past issues <br />and future issues of the Fischer Farms annexation. He stated that he asked the Planning <br />Commission to investigate the possible contamination of land where a shop was located <br />on the Fischer property. He stated that the shop area stored diesel oil, gasoline, grease, <br />and other hydra-carbon volatiles. He asked that Fischer Farms pay any clean-up expense. <br /> <br />Kithil spoke to the Initiated Ordinance, which is on the November 6, 2001 ballot. He <br />stated that the voters would be asked to vote on the issue of the City purchasing the <br />property for fair market value. He stated that fair market value is determined by an <br />appraisal of the property. He explained that the City appoints an appraiser and the <br />Fischer's appoint an appraiser. He stated that he and City Administrator Simmons have <br />contacted several appraisers, and determined the cost for an appraisal ranges between 4 <br />and 12 thousand dollars. He noted that it is difficult to find appraisers who understand the <br />valuation of open space land. He explained that there is another process, a consensus <br />process, which would radically reduced the City's cost. He stated that an appraiser <br />appointed by the City and an appraiser appointed by the Fischer's would agree to appoint <br />a third appraiser and be bound by the third appraisers cost analysis. He stressed that <br />amateurs do not determine the value of the land. He voiced his belief that the electors <br />will vote favorably on this issue and after the purchase of the land, the Council will <br />determine if the land is designated open space or parkland. He suggested that Council <br />designate the property as open space as it will be less costly. <br /> <br />Kithil noted that the Fischer property is currently zoned as SF-E. He stated that the <br />Planning Commission would review the PUD and SF-E zoning, which will increase the <br />cost of the land. He asked Council to delay any Planning Commission action on the <br />Fischer Farm PUD process until after the November 6, 2001 election. <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br /> <br />