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14. NO THIRD PARTY I3EN1=FICIARY ENFORCEMENT. It is expressly understood and <br />agreed that the enforcement of the terms and conditions or this Agreement, and all rights <br />of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the undersigned parties <br />and nothing in this Agreement shall give or allow any claim or right of action whatsoever <br />by any other person not included in the Agreement. It is the express intention of the <br />undersigned parties that any entity other than the undersigned parties receiving services <br />or benefits under this Agreement shall be considered to be an incidental beneficiary only. <br />15 ASSIGNMT NT: This Agreement may not he assigned by the Property Owner without <br />the prior written consent of the City, which consent may be given or withheld at the <br />City's sole discretion. <br />16. INDEMNIFICATION: The Properly Owner shall be liable and responsible for any and <br />all damages to persons or property caused by or arising out of the actions, obligations, or <br />omissions of the Properly Owner, its officers, employees, contractors, agents, <br />representatives or other persons acting under the Property Owner's direction or control in <br />performing or failing to perform any obligation of Property Owner under this Agreement <br />or in any matter related to completion of the Work. To the fullest extent allowed by law, <br />the Property Owner witl indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed <br />officials, and its employees, agents and representatives (the "indemnified parties"), from <br />any and all liability, claims, demands, liens„ claims on funds, actions, damages, lasses, <br />judgments, costs or expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, which may be <br />made or brought or which may result against any of the indemnified parties as a result or <br />on account of the actions or omissions of the Property Owner, its officers, employees, <br />contractors. agents or representatives, or other persons acting under the Contractor's <br />direction or control in any manner related to this Agreement or completion of the Work. <br />17. PAYMENTS TO CONSTITUTE CURRENT EXPENDITURES: Property Owner <br />acknowledges and agrees that all payment obligations under this Agreement are current <br />expenditures of the City, payable in the fiscal year for which funds are appropriated for <br />the payment thereof. The City's obligations under this Agreement shall be from year to <br />year only and shall not constitute a multiple-lscal year direct or indirect debt or other <br />financial obligation of Towrt within the meaning of Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado <br />Constitution, <br />l8. LEGAL CIIALLENGE: ESCROW: The City shall have no obligation to make any grant <br />payment hereunder during the pendency of any legal challenge to this Agreement. Any <br />funds appropriated for payment under this Agreement shall be escrowed in a separate <br />City account in the event there is a legal challenge to this Agreement. <br />19. TERMINATION: This Agreement shall terminate and become void and of no force or <br />effect upon the City if property Owner has not completed the work in compliance <br />herewith by July 1, 2021. <br />TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this instrument to be duly executed <br />this 19tnday of EeI2riary , 20 20 <br />4 <br />Scanned with CamScanner <br />