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ORD' AP'CE NO. 299 <br />r T 71 R T S EP '?)?,(MITI ;; R <br />RA ,'3 .JF RI',!I Ll','rES I'T T;;L•A f ':);d TO HC, .._. •r' J?KS <br />AN ORDINA:J.C}i FEr;UTA L1 TIE ?TS 07 <br />'T)F ,'TIC; TO' ri.i OF LOUI:SilILLE, COLORADO, l.NT; ES ,'!' BLI`3 ' G <br />RTTLP,S AT' P 'Rt;G'1LATI')NS GOVERNING WAT' R RATI+.S AND 'RIVILE' .3 <br />"7"TALTIE3 F'T)IZ VIOLATION OF SAID BT.T,S A TT P7'TTLA4 <br />-,TT. T ALI J:r ALL ORDINANCES A'FP PE'RTS 17 oRDT?TA7C1'3 <br />CO -' ,Icr iT{ER T0. <br />IT ''RLI-.; CD '<Y TII'3 }3NRD 070 1RTT3"'EEa OP ToWN OF <br />LJ;T?3VILLr:, COUNTY OF' BOULDER AND STAVE OF COLORADO. <br />SECTION 1. The water commissioner shall have <br />i, mediate control and management of all thins nertn,ininr; <br />to t'.ze Town Water Works, and he shall perform. all act: that <br />ay oe necessary for the prudent, efficient and economical mann-e- <br />ont and protection of said water works, submect tothe approval <br />rite= confirmation of the Board of Trustees. <br />S ECTION 2. BOOKS AI'TD PAPERS. The Town Clerk shall have the <br />,are and safe keenincr of all books and lavers belonging to the <br />vmter de artment, and s :all deliver the same to his successor <br />n office. <br />SCTION 3. RECEIPTS AND 1EPOSITS. The Town Clem{ shall <br />keen a correct account of all receipts, and make out all bills <br />or water rents and -materials funised to consumers, collect <br />:,.,e same and de:;osit the proceeds collected with the Town <br />reasurer to the credit of the water works fund of said town <br />and inacoordance with the direction of the Board of Trustees. <br />SECTION 4. TA?S AND SERVICE PI''ES. The water commissioner <br />shall have all tans for service made and see that they are nrooer- <br />ly installed and recorded on the books of the Town Clerk. <br />SECTION 5. IfTS'ECTION. The Water Commissioner, or other <br />officers of the Town of Louisville, shall be permitted at all <br />ti,ies to enter the premises or buildin-'s of any consum.. r of <br />water from the Town Water System for the purpose of Lnsoectinn <br />said premises and buildings and to examine the condition of all <br />water pines, water meters and water fixtures, and the manner in <br />which the water is ueed; and in case of fraudulent representation <br />on the nart of the consumer or the wilful or unreasonable waste of <br />water, said consumer shall forfeit any payment made and the water <br />department may cause the water to be turned off. <br />SECTION 6. RAVES. The lollowim yearly flat rates for <br />uric use of water by watc;r users in corporate 'town of Louisville <br />(unless specified as other than yearly rates) payable monthly in <br />advance are hereby established. <br />Automobile Repair Shop 23.45 <br />rsakery (first oven) _ 23.45 <br />Each additional oven 10.95 <br />Bank 15.60 <br />Barber Shon -(First Chair) 23.45 <br />each additional 7.80 <br />Blacksmith Shoe (first forge) 14.05 <br />each additional forge 7.80 <br />?3oard ins- house (see hotel rates) <br />Butcher Shop (without ice machine) 28.15 <br />