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ORDINANCE NO. 1621 <br /> SERIES 2012 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 3.07 AND 3.08 <br /> OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROCUREMENT <br /> OF GOODS, SERVICES AND CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 52, Series 2012 has adopted an updated <br /> set of City of Louisville Purchasing Policies, to be effective October 1, 2012; and <br /> WHEREAS, in connection with the adoption of the updated Purchasing Policies, the <br /> City Council desires to amend certain provisions of Chapters 3.07 and 3.08 of the Louisville <br /> Municipal Code pertaining to the procurement of goods, services and contracts for public works; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. Section 3.07.040 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are string:): <br /> Sec. 3.07.040. Competitive bidding requirements. <br /> Before the city procures any goods or services, the city shall utilize the <br /> competitive bid process and purchasing procedures as applicable and set forth in <br /> the purchasing policy adopted by city council. The purchasing policy shall set <br /> forth bid requirements and approvals necessary for purchases and contract <br /> execution, using purchasing levels consistent with those set forth in section <br /> 3.08.010. <br /> Section 2. Section 3.07.050 of the Louisville Municipal Code is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows (words added are underlined; words deleted are s' h): <br /> Sec. 3.07.050. Successful bids. <br /> Awards of bid provisions are solely for the fiscal responsibility and benefit <br /> of the city, and confer no rights, duties or entitlements to any bidder. Bids shall <br /> be awarded to the lowest, best and responsive, responsible bidder as determined <br /> by the city. The city will solicit Louisville firms to submit bids whenever <br /> possible. Such local vendors must have a current business registration or sales tax <br /> license on file with the city to be considered for bid award. Whenever such local <br /> sources exist and are competitive, purchases may be made from local vendors; <br /> however any award factors designated in the purchasing policy shall still apply. <br /> Bids may be awarded as deemed appropriate solely within the discretion of the <br /> city to local vendors provided their bid or proposal is within five percent of the <br /> Ordinance No. 1621,Series 2012 <br /> Page 1 of 5 <br />