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Louisville Housing Authority <br />Louisville Housing Authority (LHA) <br />Resolution 2014 -01: <br />A RESOLUTION DISSOLVING THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE <br />AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN RELATED ACTIONS <br />A. On August 28, 2012, the City of Louisville, Boulder County, the Boulder County Housing Authority <br />( "BCHA ") and LHA entered into an intergovernmental agreement (the "Consolidation IGA ") under <br />the authority provided by C.R.S. 29 -1 -201 et seq. <br />B. Under the Consolidation IGA, LHA transferred to BCHA all of LHA's assets, and BCHA assumed <br />all of LHA's remaining debts and liabilities, in order to ensure efficient operating and to strengthen <br />the long -term viability of affordable housing within Louisville and the region. <br />C. Each of the transactions contemplated by the Consolidation IGA has been completed: <br />i. LHA has transferred to BCHA the LHA Properties, the LHA Funds, the East Street Property, <br />LHA's assignable contract rights, and all other assets of LHA, as set forth in the Consolidation <br />IGA. <br />ii. BCHA has assumed responsibility for the LHA Debt and the obligations appurtenant to the East <br />Street Property, including the Senior East Street Note, and the obligations under assigned <br />contracts and leases, as set forth in the Consolidation IGA. <br />D. A stated goal of the Parties in the Consolidation IGA was to dissolve LHA at the conclusion of the <br />transactions contemplated under that agreement. <br />E. The Board therefore recognizes that dissolution is in the best interest of LHA. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the <br />City of Louisville: <br />1. The Housing Authority of the City of Louisville is hereby dissolved. <br />2. LHA has no assets, these having been fully transferred to BCHA. <br />3. LHA has no debts or liabilities, all known debts and liabilities identified in the Consolidation IGA <br />having been fully assumed by BCHA. <br />4. The Board hereby authorizes and directs the Chair to execute any other instruments and documents <br />and do all things necessary or advisable to further wind up the affairs of LHA. <br />Post Office Box 471 Boulder, Colorado 80307 (303) 441 -3929 <br />TDD Colorado Relay 1- 800 - 659 -2656 <br />