1 o i tin rin LUUIaV ILLtt: '1
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 137 Iquate meah3, but no such signal shall cross to the opposite side of the street or in some other intelligible manner. '
<br /> i be used to make any undue or un- Section. L7. If an section, i
<br /> An Ordinance Concerning except at an intersection of streets, y
<br /> necessaiv miss. paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase,
<br /> Motor and Other Vehicles, Section 17. STOPPING; Before de-
<br /> Section 5. WHISTLE'S AND or part hereof of this ordinance is for
<br /> Providing NOISES Siren whistles or whistles creasing speed or stopping,driversehall any reason held invalid, such invalidity
<br /> of the Road, Providing Penalties warn those following them of their in- shall not affect the validity of the re-
<br /> For The Violation Thereof, and Re- operated by condensed air, exhaust tention so to do by extending the hand maining portions of this ordinance.
<br /> pealing Ordinance No. 72, Being gas or steam shall,not he used en any and arm out from and beyond either The Board of Trustees of the Town of
<br /> an Ordinance :entitled. 'An Ordi- vehicle; no racing or testing of a side of the vehicle and pointed in a Louisville hereby declares that it
<br /> nance Relating To The Use of motor in any motor vehicle is per- downward direction, or by laving would have passed this ordinance and
<br /> Automobiles and other Vehicles" mitted; all motor vehicles are pro- warning of such intention in some ether each section, paragraph, clause, Received Paymen`_
<br /> Passed on the 5th Day of July, hibited from using the motor without unmistakable manner, sentence, or phrase thereof, irrespec-
<br /> 1910, also Repealing Ordinance No a muffle, or with the muffler cut out Section 18. BACKING; Before tack- tive of the fact that any one or more PROOF OF PUBLICA'
<br /> 82, Being as Ordinance entitled: open when any such vehicle is in ing,drivers of vehicles shall give ample of the other sections, paragraphs, STATE OF COLORADO,
<br /> "An Ordinance Amending Section 4 of operation. warning, and while backing unceising clauses, sentences or phrases or parts Coun Boul r
<br /> Ordinance No. 72, Entitled "An Section 6. SMOKE AND VAPOR: vigilance shall be exercised not to in- hereof be declared invalid. i I
<br /> Ordinance Relating to the Use of No motor vehicle shall be operated in jure those behind. Section 28. PENALTY: Ana driver that I am,
<br /> Automobiles and Oter:r Vehicles, in steel a way as to emit unnecessary Section 19. PARKING; On second who shall violate any of the provisions and at 1 times at and he` ee
<br /> Passed July 5, 1910," Passed smoke or offensive vapors within the Street (commonly known as limnmentioned, was the Manager of the LO IIS)/
<br /> i:'. of this ordinance, shall upon convic- Louisville Times is a weekly newspaper and
<br /> July 6th, 1911; aiso epealin; Town of Louisville. Street). vehicles must be parked diag- Lion be tined in any sum not less than in said county of Boulder and elsewhere,that s
<br /> Ordinance , No. 10Weing an Ordi- Section 7. ENGINE RUNNING orally to the curb or sidewalk lineand $1.00 n.1r more than $300.00 or im- t in and published in said county of Boulder, t
<br /> nance entitled "An Ordinance WHILE UNATTENDED; That ne as near as may be at an angle of 45 prisoner, for not to exceed ninety days, ; Times is a newspaper printed and published in to Provide for the Plac-- motor vehicle, unless some competent degrees and as near as may be to the or both such fine and imprisonment `
<br /> ing of Traffic Signs upon the Streets person be therein at the time and in cprb or sidewalk line without project- may be imposed in the discretion of ! and was established and continuously and Le;
<br /> a thereof, shall be left standing iri in said county during period of twenty-six w
<br /> and Alleys of Town of I ouis- charge g g any part of such vehicle onto the the Police Magistrate. tpublication of the notice, a co whereof
<br /> 'rile, and to Provide a Penalty upon any street of the Town of Louis- sidewalk and in case of motor vehicles Section 29. REPEAL: Ordinatce py
<br /> for the Violation Thereof; and to ville with Its engine or m,tor running. the brakes on' such vehicles mus: be No. 72, being an Ordinance Entitled: that said The Louisville Times is a newspap
<br /> Repeal Ordinances or parts of Section 8. ACCIDENTS; In case securely set while so parked. (+i all "An Ordinance Relating to the Use of of "An act to Regulate the Printing of Legal
<br /> Ordinances in Conflict Therewith" of accident to or collision with a person other streets vehicles shall he parked Automobiles and Other Vehicles" ments"constituting Chapter f9 of the Colored
<br /> Passed the 9ith day of September, or property upon any street. due to parallel to the curb or sidewalk line Passed on the 5th day of July, 1910 Affiant further sta'es that the hereunto ar,
<br /> 1917: Also Repealing Ordinance No the driving or operation thereon of and as near as practicable thereto and and Ordinance No. 82, being ea a true copy of the orginal and was regularly
<br /> 125, being an Ordinance entitled, any vehicle, the person so driving or allowing a space of four feet in front Oroinance Lntitled "An Ordinance every number of the regular and entire issue,
<br /> "An ;Ordinance Concerning The operating such vehicle shall atop and and rear between vehicles. ..e,,,,_ • Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No not in a supplement, far a period of..j.-. 4._
<br /> Driving of MotorVehicles, Without e,Ve such assistance as he can and shall Vehicles shall not stop or park with 72, Entitled: An Ordinance Relating to by 0--2�____e- msertion); and that the fi
<br /> a Muffler. With Cut Out Open, give his name and address to the the left side to the curb or sidewalk line. the Use of Automobiles, and Other
<br /> and Making of Undue and False peison requesting same, - No vehicle shall` be left standing Vehicles, Passed July 5th, 1910," was in the issue dated
<br /> . Alarms With Horns, Sirens and Section 9. SPEEie: Every person within ten feet of any file hydrant, or Passed July 6th, 1911:and Ordinance
<br /> other Warning Devices On Motor operating a vehicle on the streets of within twenty feet of the corner lot ;Jo. 109. being an Ordinance Entitled: and the last publication was in the issue dated
<br /> Vehicle, and Providing a Penalty the Town of Louisville shall drive the line, or within five feet of any alley, or "An Ordinance to Provide for the
<br /> (--- ,a ey
<br /> for Conviction ;hereof" Passed the same in a careful and prudent manner in front of or within twenty-five feet placing of Traffic signs upon the p
<br /> Brd Day of August, 1920; and Re- at a rate of speed no greater than is on either side of any entrance or exit of streets and alleys of Town of Louis- Subs r ed i my presence and sworn tobe i
<br /> pealing all Ordinances and parts 01 reasuneble and safe having regard for any theatre,place of public amusement., 'lire;and to provide a penalty for;thevi-, day o g2 Y
<br /> Ordinances in Conflict herewith. I the width,,grade, curves, corners,traf- school, church, or any other building elation thereof and to repeal ordinances e
<br /> BE IT ORDAINED .BY THE tie and use of the streets and all other where there may be public gatherings, or parts of ordinances in conflict there- ., comet ion will expire
<br /> BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE attendant circumstances, so as not to Two vehicles shall not be permitted to with"Passed the 4th Day of September,
<br /> TOWN OF LOUISVILLE; endanger life, limb or property of an/ stand side by side.parallel to the curb 1917; and Ordinance No. 125, being an l / e
<br /> Section 1. DEFINITIONS: The term person, Driving eta speed in excess or sidewalk line. Bicycles shall ne the Ordinance Entitled: "An Ordinance
<br /> et
<br /> "Street" shall apply to that part of of fifteen miles per hourshall not be considered vehicles for this purpose, Concerning The Driving of Motor l
<br /> the public highway .lntende:f for considered careful and prudent driving. No vehicle shall be left standing in Vehicles. Without a Muffler, With Cut
<br /> vehicles; the term 'Motor Vehicles" Section 10. PERSONS NOT PER- such manner as to obstruct any cross Out Open and Making of Undue and
<br /> shall apply to all vehicles propelled by NETTED TO DRIVE: (a) No person walk, and no repairing shall be dune on False Alarms With Horns, Sirens, and C
<br /> any power other than muscular pow- under the age of fifteen (15) any sikewalii or street, except for Other Warning Devices on Motor
<br /> er, the term "Driver" shall apt ly to years shall ylrive or operate any emergency repairs or to change tires Vehicles, and Providing a Penalty for
<br /> a rider, driver or leader of a horse; motor vehicle upon the streets of on motor vehicles. It shall be unlawful Conviction Thereof"Passed the 3rd day �
<br /> to a person who pushes, draws, the Town of Louisville, nor shall any for any vehicle to cross any side of August, 1920, are each and all here-
<br /> propels or operates, or is in charge owner or any person having in his walk, or to approach the entrance to by repealed. t
<br /> of a vehicle; the term "Vehicle" charge or control any motor vehicle an alley, or to emerge from any alley ection 30. All Ordinances and parts i
<br /> shall apply to all conveyances except knowingly permit any person under •onto or across a eidewaik, or onto r Ordinances in conflict herewith are
<br /> a baby carriage or railroad car; the such age to operate or drive same street, at a speed faster than 4. " ' repealed. i
<br /> . term "Parked"shall apply to a wait- therein or thereon. miles an hour and without giving„ en 31. This Ordinance and each
<br /> ing veb.'le, except vehicles stopped (b) No perso' 'kite under the in- ing to pedestrians and to et' - part thereof are hereby de-
<br /> to bar ,r unload' the term "Street i fleence of it Mg P7uor • - any les by sounding a he- --'nesse,v for the nubb
<br /> -tiger . Y
<br /> ing requires.
<br /> ..vehicles, the
<br /> ed as near as
<br /> ,at and sty ,flee to tee ^ehic...... .., Will u.
<br /> _ .adcs. . rection In which traffic on that side,
<br /> hides lighted with headlights shall Every driver of aehide approach-
<br /> ing ofthe street is moving.
<br /> the intersection of a street shall
<br /> have the right of way at crossings Section 21. "HITuHING ON;"
<br /> over vehicles not displaying head- grant the right of Way at such inter-
<br /> section to any vehicle approaching horn
<br /> No person shall hitch onto or climb upon
<br /> lights. any vehicle which is in motion with or
<br /> Parked motor vehicles,during the the right.
<br /> Section 12. OBSTRUCTION; No without the consent of the driver or
<br /> period betwoen one hour after sunset vehicle shall be allowed to remain operator of such vehicle.
<br /> and one half hour before sunrise, apd a on or be driven s� as to wilfullySection 22. TAKING HOLD OF
<br /> at all other times where there is in• p VEHICLES: No pedestrian or rider,
<br /> sufficient light to reveal such vehicles blockade or obstruct any street, and no
<br /> vehicle shall be so overloaded that the driver or occupant of any vehicle she.
<br /> I
<br /> 150 feet from the rear, shall be re- horse or horses or motor power shall lay hold of and hold on to any part d
<br /> quired to display one red• light visihle any other vehicle while the same
<br /> /only from the rear, and wheii parked be usable to move it readily. eein motion.
<br /> on streets where there is sufficient Section 13. MOVING VEHICLES; Section23 BICYCLES;Noperson-;hallf
<br /> light to clearly reveal the vehicles All moving vehicles shall be driven in a ride a bicycle on the sidewalks, . the'
<br /> from a distance of at least 150 feet, single file except when passing another town of Louisville; no person shall i dt
<br /> no lights shall be required. and shall keep to the right of the ten- a bicycle in the streets of the town of
<br /> (b) Motor vehicle headlights shall ter of the street. A vehicle meeting Louisville without having his hands on
<br /> produce sufficient light to reveal ob- another vehicle shall pass to the right the handle bars. And it shall be un-
<br /> jects one hundred and fifty feet ahead, A vehicle overtaking another vehicle lawful for any person .riding a motor
<br /> and shall be permanently adjusted and shall pass to the left slid shall not pull cycle, bicycle. tricycle or velocipede to i
<br /> directed so that on level ground the over to the right until entirely clear of curve to and fro on and with such
<br /> main shaft of clear condensed light the overtaken vehicle and sufficiently vehicle, or to proceed in any street t
<br /> shall be projected straight forward, ahead to insure against collision. by force of momentum or "coasting"
<br /> and that no portion of it shall be Section 14. TURNING TO RIGHT; with the feet of the rider removed
<br /> above the level of the lamp nor more Any vehicle turning into another street from the pedals, or to remove both
<br /> than forty two inches above the ground. to the right shall turn the corner as hands from the handle bars to prat-
<br /> 1(c) Motor vehicle headlights shall lie near the'right hand curb as practicable. tice any trick or fancy riding in any
<br /> permanently arranged that no pot- Section 15. TURNING TO THE street: or to carry any person upon i
<br /> pion of the beam of reflected light, LEFT; Any vehicle turning into such above named vehicle unless
<br /> another street to the left shall pass to the same reviled with two seats
<br /> ,when measured se.ventyfive feet or the right of and beyond the center of p
<br /> more ahead of the lamps, shall rise Section 24. BACKING FOR PO-
<br /> above fortytwo inches from the level the street intersection before turning SITION: No vehicle shall be driven
<br /> surface on which the vehicle stands,or and the sane course shall be followed in a backward direction to make a
<br /> in all cases where ti affic signs or sig-
<br /> above the top of the'headlight. turn on any street 01" the Town of
<br /> (ii) All vehicles loaded with ma- pals are erected, whether same be Louisville, and no vehicle shall be
<br /> terials projecting from the rear shall temporary or permanent and whether drivel, in a backward direction farther
<br /> carry a red signal light at the extreme same be in the center of the intereec- than is absolutely necessary to avoid
<br /> rear point of such projecting materials lion or not. accident, or to put such vehicle in such
<br /> Section 3. BRAKES: Every motor Section 16, TURNING; The driver position as to enable the driver to
<br /> vehicle operated on the streets of the of every vehicle shall before turning, properly proceed on his way.
<br /> town of Louisville shall be provided make certain that such movement can Section 25; It shall be-unlawful for
<br /> with at least two adequate brakes,each be• executed in safety, and shall give a any person to throw, place or deposit
<br /> of which works independently of the plain, visible signal to others upon in or upon any street any nails, tacks,
<br /> other, except that motorcycles shall the street by a traffic signal device of glass, crockery, scrap'iron, tin, wire,
<br /> be provided 'with not less than one the intention to make a turn and if bottles, thorns or clippings, or any
<br /> adequate brake. turning to the left shall,if the signal be other article or thing likely t'i injure
<br /> Section 4. \DARNING SIGNALS given by the use of'the hand and arm, the tire of any vehicle.
<br /> Every motor vehicle operated on the extend the hand and arm horizontally section. 2(1. SIGNA LS BY
<br /> streets of the Town of Louisville shall from and beyond the left side of the POLICE OFFICER: Every person
<br /> be provided with at least one adequate vehicle. driving, operating is propelling any
<br /> horn or bell,in working condition, for ' The driver of any vehicle in the vehicle,shall stop;tiie earrw• ieene-liate-
<br /> giving warning of its approach or other Town of Louisville wishing to turn and ly upon requei•t et upon the ,,,i ,i ,t•,m
<br /> necessary win ning,and that at all places proceed in the direction opp)site to a police officer,such signal to be mule'
<br /> where necessary, sufficient warning which he shalt be facing or going,shall by the officer raising his hand above
<br /> \ hall be given of the approach of such not ao so at any place except a street his head and extended l
<br /> \ s atterly, or use-
<br /> vehicle by horn, bell or other ade- intersection, nor shall any such driven ing a semaphore, blowing a whistle,
<br /> 1
<br />