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Proclamation <br />'LunicipaCClerks'We ek <br />.ALpriCzg-'lay 5, 2012 <br />'Whereas, J-he Office of the .'lunicipal Clerk, a time honored and vitaCpart of local <br />government exists throughout the worCd, and <br />'Whereas, J-he Office of the .'lunicipaCCCerk is the oldest among public servants, and <br />'Whereas, The Office of the MunicipaCCterkyrovides aprofessionallink between the <br />citizens, the CocaCgoverning bodies and agencies of government at other Cev&, and <br />'Whereas, wlunicipaCCCerks have pCedged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and <br />impartiality, rendering eauaCservice to aCC. <br />'Whereas, J-he wlunicipaCCCerk serves as an information center on functions of Coca( <br />government and community. <br />'Whereas, wlunicipaCClerks continually strive to improve the administration of the <br />affairs of the Office of the wlunicipaCCCerk through participation in education <br />programs, seminars, workshops and the annuaCmeetings of their state, province, <br />county and internationaCprofessionaCorganizations. <br />'Whereas, It is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Office <br />of the wlunicipaCCCerk. <br />Now, Therefore, I, Robert P..'luckCe, .'layor of the City of Louisville, Colorado, do <br />recognize the week of ApriCzg through .'lay 5, zoiz, as .'lunicipaCClerks'Week, and <br />further extend appreciation to our wlunicipaCCCerk Nancy'Varra and Deputy City <br />Clerk CaroCHanson and to aCC.wlunicipaCCCerks for the vitaCservices they perform <br />and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. <br />Dated this rl day of .'lay, 2012 <br />- <br />%layor Robert P..wluckle Attest: <br />