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<br /> ., , <br /> 4. The proposal should utilize and preserve eXisting <br /> vegetation, land forms, water ways, and historical or archeological <br /> sites in the best manner possible. Steep slopes and important <br /> natural drainage systems shall not be disrupted. How the proposal <br /> meets this provision, including an inventory of how existing <br /> vegetation is included in the proposal, shall be set forth on the <br /> landscape plan submitted to the City. <br /> 5 . Visual relief and variety of visual sitings shall be <br /> located within a development in the overall site plan. Said relief <br /> shall be accomplished by building placements, shortened or <br /> interrupted street vistas, visual access to open space and other <br /> methods of design. <br /> 6 . Open space within the project shall be located in such <br /> a manner as to create an area that is usable and accessible to <br /> residents of surrounding developments. <br /> 7 . Street design should minimize through traffic passing <br /> residential units. Suggested standards with respect to paving <br /> widths, housing setbacks and landscaping are set forth in standards <br /> of the Ci ty of Louisville entitled Criteria for Street .!!l~~chy <br /> ------- ------ <br /> Determination. The system of streets, including parking lots, shall <br /> aid the order and esthetic quali ty of the development. <br /> 8 . If possible, there shall exist an internal pedestrian <br /> circulation system separate from the vehicular system such that <br /> allows access to adjacent parcels as well as to parks, open space or <br /> recreation facilities within the development. Pedestrain links to <br /> trail systems of the City should be considered. <br /> 9. The project and development should attempt to <br /> incorporate features which reduce the demand for water usage. <br /> 10. Landscape plans shall attempt to reduce heating and <br /> cooling demands of buildings through the selection and placement of <br /> landscape materials, paving, vegE~tation, earth forms, walls, fences, <br /> or other materials. <br /> 1 1 . Proposed developments shall be buffered from collector <br /> and arterial streets. Said buffering may be accomplished by earthen <br /> berms, landscaping, leafing patterns, and other materials. Entrance <br /> -2- <br />