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<br />the City Council, by ordinance, shall approve, and (c) not to <br />bledge the faith ancl credit or taxing power of the City_ but to <br />especial, limited obligations of the City_ payable solely from <br />the revenues of the City derived from the payments to be made by <br />the Owner in respect of the financing of the Project. <br /> Section 3. ~utho!"_~z~~tj..on_ of_ Ci ty Representatives to Take <br />Incidental Action. The Mayor and City Administrator of the City <br />or either of them are hereby authorized and directed to take all <br />action necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, <br />including the acceptance and delivery of the Owner's letter <br />proposal and the negotiation of agreements in connection with the <br />financing of the Project. <br /> Section 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall take <br />effect immediately-upon--Its-~i-doption. <br />~_ INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this JAf'~ day of <br /> A'''':r2 /./......a.":T-' 198~. <br /> ~~ <br /> MAYOR <br />ATTEST~ <br />G/~ ,/n - ,h'2--/~ /Lt..-.;~)"--er-,L.<____ <br />City Clerk <br /> -2- <br />